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YOUR character

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Re: YOUR character

Name: Cannon Sawyer or Steampunk

Path: Good because good always wins

Occupation: Artisian / Inventor / tailor / weaponsmith

Heroing, guitar, hobbe punting, Knight in shining armor seeking a damsel in distress, and cheating the merchant out of their diamonds resell value

Clothes: Green and White garb with gold lining, plate or leather gauntlets, multiple belts for multiple uses, but can mysteriously change from cloth and leather to plate armor instantly.

Weapon: Wrist mounted crossbow, multiple daggers for just in case purposes, a large bowie style sword and a legendary weapon most only know as Greaseblade the real origin and name are unknown.
Re: YOUR character


Occupation: Thief/Mass murderer

Style: MAGE or maybe swordsman no sledghammers though

yah I'm glad Fable offers so many chioces PM got it right
Re: YOUR character

Name: Zamamee

Occupation: Biggest Badass in Albion :D

Hobbies: Being on top of the world, killing, wifes :D, patting my dog.

Clothes: Very cool armour (plate from Fable 1)

Weapons: Huge 2H axe or sword, big elephant rifle, and lots of magic.

Mission: To own some noobz.
Re: YOUR character

Name : Rhadiel

Alias : Darklaw

Path : good

Occupation : Your Resident Hero

Clothes : clothes similar to the hero used as the merc in fable 2 co op video

Weapon : Duel Longswords, Pistols

Looks : kinda long, blond hair, hazel eyes, caucasian (white)
Re: YOUR character

Are we able to change the looks of our character? Like eye colour, hair colour facial structure etc?

I saw in one of the recent previews that the only choice we have concerning our characters appearance is whether they are a boy or a girl.

I hope their are a few more options than this but it doesn't seem likely. The most likely answer is that appearance in terms of eye colour and hair colour will be determined by alignment. However this could be difficult since there are so many new parameters. What would my character look like if he was evil but kind, or good and corrupt?
Re: YOUR character

Name: Cayb
Path: Evil, definitely Evil:devil:

Occupation: Assassin:ninja:

Hobbies: CHeating on my spouse, contract killings, HEavy Drinking then going out to rob houses, Bordello and Pushing towns folk around
Clothes: Full Assassin Gear,. no cape, hopefully this time around theres a hood for the assassin gear
Weapon: Single Handed Katana with either Flame or SHarpening Enchant

In FAble 1 i think i only played through once as a good guy just didnt suit me,. i was usually as evil as can be with Horns and flys and all that great stuff,. I mean if i was given the choice between so Random Broad gettin her face messed up bad or mine by the "Shadow Creature" (which is and occurence mentioned by PM himself) im sure as hell choosen the broad,.,. i may be evil but i wanna be a damn good lookin bad guy ;-) hahha
Re: YOUR character

Name: Nyyrikki Tuoni (Nyyrikki= Finnish god of hunting, Tuoni=Finnish personification of Death)

Path: Good/Neutral

Occupation: Hero

Hobbies: Dispensing justice

Clothes: Some sort of leather armor or if possible chain mail leather armor combination

Weapon: European medieval style sword
Re: YOUR character

+Rep for using the phrase "Dispensing Justice!" :P
Re: YOUR character

Name: Don't know yet

Path: Good

Occupation: Sumthing funny :P

Hobbies: Helping people.

Clothes: Long black leather Trenchcoat with ammobelts allover the place :w00t: and a nice pointy hat with ammobelt on it :P
Weapon: Guns O: many guns :P and maybe a sword to keep me outta trouble close range
Re: YOUR character

Name: Anubis :)

Path: Good. =]

Occupation: Entertaining me. :blush: Hehe.

Hobbies: Swords, guns, savin' the world, Armour.

Clothes: Armour, something big, black and flames comin' off it, if it's possible. That would rock! And a nifty Pyramid head helmet, if you can mod that. XD

Weapon: Massive blade.
Re: YOUR character

Name: Caboose

Path: Neutral

Occupation: Guy that Swings big thing that hurts!, blacksmith

Hobbies:Swords, Crossbows, MONEYZZZZ

Clothes: Usually in a giant Suit of Armor Kind of like Alphonse Elric's from full Metal

Weapons: Broadsword, Crossbow, Fists
Re: YOUR character

Name: Requiem

Path: Evil

Occupation: Mercenary from BloodStone

Hobbies: Destroying villages, Killing Traders

Clothes: Baggy brown pants, Shirtless, black eyepatch, white, shaggy black hair black leather boots, tattoo of a pentagram on his back, and a very large sword twice his weight
Re: YOUR character

Name: Jake

Occupation: Binging bartender and or pirate

Hobbies: drinking/pirate/explorer

Clothes: rags or if i'm rich vest and all tht

Weapon: Long cutlass
Re: YOUR character

Name: Horn(y)
Path: Twisted
Occupation: Assasination, Torture, Human Sacrifice.
Theft, Assasination, Questing.
Clothes: Full hooded dark robe.
Weapon: Scythe
Re: YOUR character

name: whatever i think of at the time
alignment: neutral but mostly good just do whatever i want
occupation: magic user/swordsman whith a little bit of guns
hobbies: do what i want, when i want
clothing: heavy armor with a cape or else a long black trenchcoat with some armor under it
weapon: longsword

im not chosing an alignment yet. i think the first time i play i will just go with the flow and make choices on the fly. after that i will play through as whatever allignment i didnt chose the first time.