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  • Um, you play Guild Wars, right? I have recently rediscovered my Nightfall disk, and want to start playing, but I'm not sure what profession to choose? I was thinking Dervish/Elementalist, or would warrior be better?
    Then you will, quite literally, be spending at least a week of realtime staring at planets, holding down the left trigger as you wait for the controller to vibrate so you can pull the right trigger and hear a little computerized voice going "Probe Launched" "Probe Away" "Really, Shepard?" "Now Probing Uranus."
    I really hope you're screwing with me. But since this is Daemon I'm talking to, I suppose you might be that insane.
    I just wanted to see what you look like. T_T Oh god you think I want something else.
    What I meant was that I hoped you didn't want to survey every planet. Comparatively few planets have anomalies, and you can find those fairly quickly. But to actually fully scan them for minerals takes a long time, and there's at least two planets in every system (up to a max of about nine, usually about six or seven) and there's... a lot of systems.

    So to scan them all for all their minerals would, probably literally, take weeks. And be incredibly boring. Which is why I really hope by "completed" you didn't mean "get all the minerals."
    Well, there's no way you'd want to survey every planet. Seriously, it'd take you weeks, and you wouldn't do anything with it all. But yeah, it'll show you the percentage of each portion of the galaxy you've explored, and it tells you if there's an anomaly as soon as you go into orbit around the planet. It won't tell you if you've completed all the available missions, though, so you'll have to make sure you do them once you find them. Though I believe that if you scan and fire the probe, it'll add it to your journal so that you could leave and come back to it. But I don't know why you would.
    And if you do land, there isn't any driving around a little square. You have a small, uniquely designed area with some specific mission or goal. None of that "Land, drive around, find minerals, find five billion identical buildings with identical enemies with no distinct purpose for being here." The enemies usually belong to one of three merc gangs, or they're wild animals, or even there isn't anything to fight-- just something to do. I actually prefer it, even if I do miss the Mako a bit.

    I don't know about that. I was full paragon on my first playthrough, and I successfully used them all. I do know that if you don't have either enough paragon or enough renegade points, there are cirumstances where you won't be able to get by without losing something.
    Cue disproportionate wall of text:

    Getting credits is pretty easy. You get paid by Cerberus after every mission, and you can pick up extra by hacking safes and rifling corpses' pockets and such. Resources you can pick up on missions, but to get a lot you need to survey. It's not hard, but I ended up having a ton or palladium and iridium and frantically scrounging for platinum. On the other hand, you get large amounts of bonus minerals if you imported a ME1 save. Not sure if you automatically get lots, or it depends on how much you surveyed in ME1. My problem was that I used a huge chunk of my platinum on a med bay upgrade I didn't actually need, plus the fact that lots of upgrades need platinum.

    You do have to pay for fuel and probes, but not very much. I never ran out of money for them. But you do need to make sure you don't run out of fuel-- if you do, it'll emergency jump to the nearest fuel depot, at the cost of the minerals you've painstakingly acquired. Fortunately, you only actually use fuel flying between systems. None is used in-system or in relay jumps.

    I, personally, loathe the surveying. You zoom in on the planet, hit scan, then you hold down the left trigger to scan for minerals. The controller vibrates and a little line graph spikes to show that there is something, how much, and what. Deploy probes with right trigger to collect minerals. There are so many minerals on most planets that it'll take more than 30 probes (default capacity) to get a rock down to "depleted" from, say "moderate" resources. You can land on planets, but only those that actually have something. When you go to them, it'll say "Anomaly Detected" and when you scan it'll show a white arrow and you'll hear a garbled transmission of some kind. When you're on top of it, you'll see a white dot, hear the whole transmission, and be able to fire a probe, after which you can land.
    OOOh! Oooh! Join masseffectx.com! Make the evil empire grow!

    Or, well, you'll probably end up asking me either way, so what were the questions?
    Were you the one I had a conversation with "Who the **** are you and why are you on my f-list?"
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