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Fable 3 News Thread

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Fable 3 News Thread

Thanks for viewing the thread comment on any improvments or additions. Thanks for the 1400 views.

With a special thanks to
xzxzxz70 + hobbes_pwn - For A Set Of New Screenshots
Project Ego and Dark Drakan - For letting me reserve 3 posts
Sabbath - This for informing me of 3 threads with info
Evan - Another vid + Another!
Sfroggy - 3 Vids- Compiled Information
tjbyrum1 - Information on the new features ( 2nd post )
Daemon300 - Information about episodes - And showing me Fable WIKI
If you would like to Add some information to the thread Put it as a visitor message, Pm or post it on this thread. Everyone who helps will get there name at the top of the thread and will say what they have done.

Hello and welcome to my Fable 3 information thread. On this thread i plan to post all old news and recent news and compile it into one thread for you to view. First off heres a list of what im going to be posting over time..

1. links to vids about Fable 3
2. Pictures in spoiler tags about Fable 3
3. News and updates
4. Anything YOU want me to post about Fable 3

Please dont spam the thread and please tell me about any errors i have made

The Opening Cinematic For Fable 3


Information about the Episodes

Episodes: There will be 2 episodes featured in the game. The first is to campaign to remove the king from the throne. The second is ruling Albion after you receive the crown

General information Co-Op etc - Taken from the source http://www.co-optimus.com/article/3..._Touching__and_Gamerscore_Based_Weaponry.html

Microsoft's X10 has come and gone, and as Peter Molyneux promised, Fable 3 has been revealed. Lionhead's Molyneux also promised you'd be super ****ed about one of the game's features, but it appears even the nega-hype generated by one of the industries greatest minds also falls short of expectations.

So what was he so scared about?

The biggest change in Peter's eyes is the game's HUD, or lack thereof. Gone are health bars, experience points, and anything else that clogs up your view of the game's world. Taking a cue from a lot of first person shooters, Fable 3 is now more of an action game than an RPG - and all of this is what made Molyneux think people would be upset. Doesn't seem to damaging to me.

But that won't be Fable 3's only change, as with previous Lionhead titles, the team is trying to bring people closer to the game's world and characters making the experience personal and unique for each player. The next evolution of this is the "touching" mechanic where players can actually interact with other characters on the screen by holding their hand, dragging them by the scruff, and other not so subtle methods to convey an action.

Molyneux's character then walks up to a homeless man and takes him by the hand. The man follows, saying that he thinks he's taking him home for a dinner. Then the man stops in his tracks as they turn a corner and a factory looms ahead.
"We're going to sell him to the factory," Molyneux says.
The man, visibly frightened, begins to pull away, but the character continues to drag him to the factory.
The homeless man begins to beg, "Don't sell me to those fiends. You might as well put a bullet in my head."

Apparently this system also applies to the game's co-op mode, which according to various previews, is a more true co-op experience. Players are no longer tied to each other, and are free to roam the each other's respective worlds doing stuff independently. The touching feature extends so far that you could even marry your co-op partner if you wish. Check it out, in game co-op couples!

Henchmen are finally gone. Yup, players will be able to bring not only their character into friend's games, but also their dog. On top of that any customizations they've done or their morphed weapons.

Which brings us to the final and possibly most controversial piece of Fable 3's unveiling. Weapon morphs allow players to customize their weapons based on their actions in game. A sword that kills lots of innocent victims may drip blood all the time, or one that is used for good might shine brightly. All of these action go into creating randomly generated and changed weapons over time. But it's not just your in game actions that change your weapons, it's your gamerscore.

That's right, your gamerscore.

In what is perhaps a bit of irony, the number that means nothing more than "e-peen" to some people will now change you weapon. We can only hope the bigger the score the bigger the weapon to make this a reality.

The morphs actually extend into expressions as well, as these mega morphs can make your character truly stand out. One example given was a truly good character could sprout angel wings, have divine light shine down on them, and really have an affect on the environment around them.

All in all it looks like Fable 3 is shaping up to be quite an epic adventure. Even though the game is going to get away from a lot of the RPG elements and focus on Kingdom building and management, we're assured it won't turn into an RTS. I'm sure we'll get more info in the coming months, and you can be sure we'll be here to bring it to you. For now check out the first developer diary and the first batch of screenshots.

Heres information on touching - Taken from the source http://www.kotaku.com.au/2010/02/fa...-touch-weapons-and-kingly-responsibility-x10/

Three major shifts in gameplay mechanics will make Fable III the most innovative entry in the popular role-playing game franchise, developer Peter Molyneux told a gathering of journalists today at Microsoft’s X10 event.

Fable III will present three key changes in play: In-game touching, highly-customised weapon morphing and the challenge of ruling a kingdom. Molyneux demonstrated the game for Kotaku and other reporters at Microsoft’s big X10 showcase in San Francisco. The event highlighted the Xbox 360’s biggest 2010 games.

“You will start out the game as the 18-year-old [child] of your Fable II character,” Molyneux said. “You’ll find that Albion is being ruled by a tyrant. You are going to storm the castle with all of the people who follow you you’re going to take him down and then people are going to come to you and say, ‘You promised you would eradicate slavery.You promised turn factories into orphanages. You promised to stop childhood labour’.

“We are going to make your time as a ruler a little bit tough.”

Heres some information i have found about some parts of the game - Taken from the source of http://www.talkxbox.com/article3766.html

So with Fable 3 Lionhead Studio is shaking things up a bit. Gone is the standardized 2D menu, in which players pause and select an option which is represented by a change on screen. The new system was demonstrated by Molyneux at the Games Developers Conference. Now when you pause the game you will be wisked away to a chamber with different rooms that personify functions. If you're changing your clothes, the room you enter for that function will feature a bunch of mannequins wearing outfits - that will directly relate to your in-game situation. Other features are represented in the chamber as well. Using the map is represented by a pedestal in the middle of the chamber, where you can select different areas of Albion by moving a magnifying glass over areas of interest. And the changes don't stop there as Molyneux also revealed the new features that have been added to Fable 3's combat. Every person you kill, whether innocent or evil, as well as your Gamerscore, will affect the way your weapons look. This will give every player a more individualized weapon output and you can even sell your unique weapons online. And the class and of weapons you use will also have a hand in your appearance as well. So if you use heavy weapons, your character will look more muscular, if you use guns you'll be tall and skinny

Heres some pices from the Fable WIKI - Taken from the source http://fable.wikia.com/wiki/Fable_III

layers can migrate their save games from Fable II to Fable III. This allows the player's actions from Fable II to impact on the world of Fable III as their parent in the third game is their Hero from the second game. This was hinted at in the Fable II downloadable content See the Future.

While the player is attempting to overthrow the current king of Albion, they need to gather support from the people. However, depending on the amount of control the tyrant exerts over a region, initial support can be hard to gather. To encourage citizens to join the revolution, the player must make promises to improve their lives when they have the throne. These promises can affect anything from a single individual's life to affecting the entire population or a class group within it. After the player has gained control of the crown, they have the opportunity to carry out or ignore the promises they made that allowed them to achieve their position.

As Peter Molyneux, Lionhead's Creative Director, explains:

“ The really strange thing about leadership is that there's a common thread that has existed for centuries in all cultures. Whenever politicians, rebels or juntas are climbing to power they make promises, and very often these promises are not delivered on. We want to give a sense of that, so as you're building up your forces, as you're being a rebel, you will find this opportunity to promise things to get more power. Then after you've become leader, the opportunity to live on those promises has real consequences. ”

When queried over how the game would work after the player had assumed control of Albion, Molyneux was quick to deny that the game would become a Theme Park-style management game and that Lionhead would not be returning to its roots making strategy games.

Molyneux explained a new mechanic called "judgements," started when the player grants their subjects an audience to hear their problems. Often these problems will be disputes with "muddied moral waters." If the player is impatient, they can make a quick decision to lock one party of the dispute in their dungeons, do nothing or reward one party with gold. If the player wants to becomes more informed, they can choose to journey to the scene of the crime itself and make a just (or purposefully unjust) decision on the matter. In addition to this, players have to make decisions about what promises they made in the early stages of the game they need to keep and give their full attention and what promises should be ignored. Molyneux's intention is to show that the great revolutionary heroes that have become mythologized aren't necessarily good rulers themselves. He asks, "If someone comes to you and begs for mercy, are you going to be the sort of tyrant who picks them up and throws them in the dungeon? Or are you going to be the sort who grabs them by the shoulders and gives them a big hug and shoves ten gold pieces in their hand?"

There are rewards for being a self-serving ruler, including a treasury filled with gold piles that grow or diminish based on the player's wealth. The player's in-game family will attempt to pressure the player into selfishly taking money from Albion to maintain and upgrade their castle.

The player is also tasked with dealing with how their society works on a day-to-day basis, such as how to handle crime, poverty and taxation. Another example is the choice to go to war. While Albion is only a single continent in a much-larger world, Fable III is the first game in the series to expand the playable areas beyond Albion's borders.

Like the character-morphing that defines the series, where the player's character changes appearance based on his or her actions, growing beautiful or ugly based on good and evil actions respectively, Fable III expands that to location-morphing. If the player taxes a region heavily, the people will become visibly poorer, their buildings will start to fall into disrepair and the player will encounter hostility from them if he passes through the area. The example Lionhead gave was the town of Bowerstone: in the time since Fable II Albion has undergone the industrial revolution and Bowerstone has become "a mass of Victorian-era inspired churning industry," with the skyline being hugely affected by this. During the technological upheaval, however, crime, injustice and poverty have grown and the player can choose to eradicate it or let it continue unchecked, and Bowerstone will change to reflect their choices.

Molyneux has promised to remove a traditional RPG mechanic from Fable III, the emphasis being on removing "clunkiness" and making the game more accessible. At Microsoft's X10 event in San Francisco, he revealed that the traditional health bar, the experience points system for levelling up, and the HUD in general, would be removed. The game also introduces two related systems known as "Expression Touch" and "Dynamic Touch". Expression Touch turns romantic relationships into a subtle journey that involves the player and their chosen partner becoming physically closer, rather than using the simplistic Expressions of the first two games. The system also applies to general interaction, such as embracing the player character's family or refusing to shake someone's hand. Dynamic Touch allows the player to lead someone by the hand to a location. Molyneux gave an example of a child trapped in a burning building. The player could go into the house and comfort the child with Expression Touch before using Dynamic Touch to carry them to safety. At X10, he gave a new example in which a beggar asks for money. Taking him by the hand, Molyneux proceeds to lead him around the town, which the beggar is intitally excited about. As they near a factory, however, the beggar begins to hold back and drag his heels along the ground. Instead of leading him, Molyneux was now dragging the beggar to the factory, where he was to be sold.

To start us off im going to put some links to YouTube Vids and so on here

1.Debut Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-VEWuStpOU&feature=related
2.Fable 3 X10 interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDOekD4vmvM
3.Fable 3 Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAxoBTgytEQ
4.Fable 3 touch etc http://www.gamereactor.eu/grtv/?id=6981&sid=fe1c265338fcd9b69785758f8a8bc3de

5.Your Kingdom and Your Clothes http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/objec...ntary_gui_03111.html;jsessionid=5857ps134e6hc
6.The Importance of Followers http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/objec...ntary_followers.html;jsessionid=1715xrcu7cw93
7.Kicking Ass and Taking Names
8.Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJvoSyoQ4c
9.Fable 3 OXM interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSBMPcGSRfc&feature=player_embedded
10. Combat Gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aItP941f2pU
Right second of all heres some screenshots of the game (early screenshots ill be doing them in order of when they came out)


There a few of the older screenshots here are some Newer ones PLEASE VIEW NEXT POST


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Alright so heres some of the new screenshots taken from X10


Here is some more news from X10 - Taken from the source http://www.gamefocus.ca/?nav=new&nid=8250

Fable 3 was shown off by Peter Molyneux for the first time at X10 with some interesting details. First, those worried that Fable 3 would become nothing more than an RTS in which you rule over your kingdom, fret not. The Lionhead boss revealed that will not be the case.

Your character, who will be the offspring of your Fable 2 avatar (should you have one), will not become ruler of Albion until halfway through the game. This also confirms that Fable 3 will be able to use information from your Fable 2 save, though it will only “make minor, not major, changes to the story.”

In the time since you last saw Albion, the kingdom has become a much darker place. Poor and starving people are strewn about in the streets while children are forced to work in factories. This is why it will be your goal to gather followers who will help you overtake the throne. How do you do this? Like any good politician, make promises. But you better be careful about what you promise, because once you’ve risen to power, it may be very difficult to keep them all. You will be forced to choose between upholding your promise and making it law, or betraying your followers and losing support.

Speaking of your followers, they are your new measure of power. Fable 3 does away with the notions of experience and instead lets you know how you’re doing by how many people approve of you. Other mainstays like the health bar are also pushed aside by Lionhead.

Heres a basic fact file - Taken from the source http://fable.wikia.com/wiki/Fable_III

Peter Molyneux has confirmed that the game will have many new features, including:

* Episodes: There will be 2 episodes featured in the game. The first is to campaign to remove the king from the throne. The second is ruling Albion after you receive the crown.
* Judgements: As ruler of Albion, you will be able to determine if and how to respond to the requests of your citizens, such as punishing criminals.
* Touch: The simple expression system has greatly evolved. Now, "You can shake someone's hand, and then that might turn into a hug. You can then turn that into an embrace, and then into a full-on snog.
* There will be much more far reaching consequences for your actions than in the past two games due to at least part of the game taking place with the character as a monarch.
* Peter Molyneux has stated that it won't just be Albion, but has yet to give more information. Clues from the end of Fable II, lead to Reaver and Garth in Samarkand. In the quest, "the Vision" after getting the DLC "See the Future", Theresa clearly states that the unborn child will change the fate of Albion and Aurora. Aurora could be an entirely new setting in Fable III.
* The previous saves from Fable II will be featured in Fable III. This means choices of your old hero will affect your new hero in Fable III. Choices from the two DLC's, Knothole Island and See the Future, will also correlate.

At Microsoft's X10 event in San Francisco , Molyneux announced some more new features:

* Weapon Morphing: Depending on your alignment and the way you use the weapons, they will change accordingly. You can then trade your weapon online.
* Dog: Man's best friend will return in the new release and is more dog-like.
* RPG Elements: The health bar, experience orbs/XP points and the HUD in general are to be scrapped.
* Aurora: GameSpot report that Arora is to be a new continent.
* Project Natal: "[Molyneux] stated that Fable III is being designed for the regular Xbox 360 controller first and foremost, but that some Natal surprises are coming."
* Extreme Morphing: An expression that allows the Hero to show their "true character" by sprouting a pair of wings (and horns, if they are evil.) The wings will match the Hero's alignment - if good, they are white and prestine, but if evil, they are darker.
* Fable III will have an improved camera for co-op.
* The ability to use your custom character and dog for co-op.

At the Game Developer's Conference , Molyneux' focus was on Fable III's new GUI:

* Interactive Pause Menu: When you pause the game your character will appear in the "Guild Chambers", a collection of rooms from which you can do everything you could normally do in the traditional menu.
* Map Room: The Chambers will feature a fully interactive map of Albion and Aurora which can be zoomed in on.
* Wardrobe: A room in the Chambers containing all your clothes, some on display mannequins.
* Armoury: A chamber containing all your weapons.
* Treasury: Instead of a number telling you how much gold you have, you will be able to enter this room to see, and pick up, your gold reserves.
* Butler: You will have your own butler in the Guild Chambers, who will make clothing and weaponry recommendations based on your current situation. The butler will be voiced by John Cleese.

Fable 3 On the E3 Floorplan Taken From The Source - http://lionhead.com/blogs/fable_2_development/archive/2010/06/10/we-re-at-e3.aspx

The Electronic Entertainment Expo has to be THE event of the year for everyone interested in video games, and also all the people involved in making them! For Lionhead this years E3, as it's commonly known, starts this Monday 14th June with the Microsoft Keynote live in Los Angeles. Some of the Lionhead Studios crew will be there, including Peter of course, to show of the latest development on Fable III (Fable 3).

Microsoft's E3 keynote, in all good tradition, will be jam-packed with announcements and headlines. So I've collected a few links where we can follow the conference live, hopefully one of these sites will have streaming video. Fingers crossed all of us not in LA can get coverage from http://uk.e3.ign.com/ - http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/microsoft-e3/ - http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3179708 - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/microsoft-e3-conference-announced - http://www.xboxer360.com/news/e3-2010-live-updates-reminder/.

Now that covers the Microsoft keynote, but there is also the show itself which starts on the 15th June and it will have Fable III on the floor! If you're in the area you should pop around to have a look and say hello to the Lionhead folks.
"So keep an eye on this post;
as the show gets closer I'll be
updating it with more links and info."

For now I'll leave you with this photos from one of the first times Lionhead Studios was at an E3 event, with the first game ever made in these office 'Black & White'.

List of Compiled Info Taken From The Source - Lionhead Fourms Found By Sfroggy1

Compiled Info

* Fable III will be out Fall 2010
* In Fable III you start out as the son or daughter of the Fable II hero
* Fable III will read your save file of II
* For the First half of the Game you will make promises and gain support to gain the throne
* You choices will not just affect you but the land around you as well
* The nation of Albion will be divided
* You will see poverty and injustice
* There will be much tougher choices with wider consequences
* Fable III takes place 50 years after Fable II
* Players must choose what promises they keep when they were gaining support
* Fable III will not just take place in Albion
* Fable III is inspired by Historical references
* Fable III takes place close to the industrial age
* New features include (Touch,Judgment, Morphing Weapons)
* The Dog will be returning in Fable III
* There are extreme morphs such as Demon and Angel wings that will come out when you hit the expression
* In Co-op you can bring your own hero and even your dog! you have separate screens and are not tied together (You have to stay in the same region)
* Your weapon will morph with you depending how you use it, if you kill innocents it drips blood if you only kill enemies it will glow. It may curve depending on how you use it. Your Gamer score also effects the weapon
* Aurora has been confirmed as another continent
* The touch system will allow you to hold hands drag people and throw your child up into the air amongst other things.
* There will be more gore when you kill something if you are
* Many finishing moves have been added into the combat system
* Fable III will have no HUD
* Natal will be used in Fable III although it is completely optional.
* The Tyrant King's name is *Spoiler Highlight to Read* |Logan|
* You start out chubby in Fable III
* You will go to Aurora in Fable III
* You can marry your co-op partner in Fable III
* There are no changing seasons in Fable II but regions will have different weather (Snow, Sunny etc..)
* Magic will be based on objects such as a ring
* The 2D Menu system has been replaced with a series of 3d rooms
* The Butler in the 3d rooms is voiced by John Cleese
* There is a 3D map in the game accessed at a table where you can zoom in and manage your kingdom
* The Rooms of the GUI are the Guild Chamber
* So far rooms that have been confirmed are wardrobe, armory, war room and achievement room
* You can see where your friends are on the map in the war room
* You can still mix and match clothes the butler is just there for suggestions.
* New features for the map will be added as you progress through the story.
* *Story Spoiler Highlight to read* | The tyrant king Logan is your brother |
* Aurora is a vast desert of canyons
* The people in Aurora have a Moroccan style clothing
* After you become king you can decide whether to keep the country moving towards industrialization or you can go Green
* There will be episodic DLC that continues the story of Fable III
* Magic is still tied to objects however it is no longer rings we don't kn ow quite yet what it is, yo0u can still weave magic though
* *Spoiler Highlight to Read* | Reaver will make a return in Fable III |
* At the start of the game you will choose from four starting weapons that will morph throughout your play through
* There are librariein game, where you find out about characters and items,
* Ben Kinsley will do the voice of *Spoiler highlight to read* | The King of Mist Peak |
* There is an important NPC ally named *Spoiler Highlight to Read* | Walter |
* There are new regions called Brightwall, Bowerstone Industrial, Mist Peak, Mourning-wood, Drift Wood, Misty Valley, Raven Camp, Bowerstone Old-Quarters
* Three Regions will be returning from Fable II Bowerstone Market, Fairfax Gardens (Bowerstone Castle) and Bower lake (Mill Fields)
* *Spoiler highlight to read* | Your butler was first a servant of Logan the tyrant king |
* Minions will make a return in Fable III
* You can teleport to a different region from the Map
* Your Butler's name is Jasper
* Fable III has been confirmed to be on PC
* The Limited Edition costs $79.99/£59.99/€84.99.
* The Limited Edition includes, playing cards with characters from the game, a guild seal coin with a good and evil side, Exclusive in game content the includes a quest sword (Wolfsbane), region, dog breed (Boxer) and outfit from Aurora.
* The game has legendary weapons
* Wild animals to fight such as wolves.
* Fable III couch co-op shares a camera
* Contrary to some speculation Natal will not be compatible with the PC version of Fable III
* PC and 360's will not have cross platform play


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Fable 3 Box art Taken From The source - http://www.projectego.net/835/fable-3-box-art-pc.html

Microsoft Game Studios may have accidentally confirmed a PC version for Lionhead's upcoming Fable3 title after recently unveiling the official box art for the game.

As you can see, the Fable 3 box art - while sporting a very nice design - also seems to brandish a very big, very loud "Only on Xbox 360 & Windows" stamp at the top, which basically is as good as saying, "Hey, yeah, PC gamers can get their hands on Fable 3 too!"

That's only providing that there hasn't been some colossal error somewhere down the line. For more info, please be sure to check out the "Fable 3 Accidentally Confirmed for PC?" thread.

The original Fable of course made its way to PC via The Lost Chapters, but so far where Fable 2 has yet to make an appearance on the PC platform. I guess we'll just have to wait for official confirmation for Microsoft as to whether or not Fable 3 will indeed be released for PC as a Games for Windows Live title.

Fable 3 Limited Collector Edition - Taken From The Source -http://projectego.net/840/fable-3-limited-collectors-edition.html


The Limited Collector's Edition is set to offer downloadable content and in-box items wrapped up in a distinctive box created in the likeness of an old book.

Contents (as confirmed by Microsoft):

"A new quest: Uncover the mystery of the haunted forests of Silverpines and earn the legendary sword, Wolfsbane, deadly against wolves and balverines.
"Exclusive location: Unlock a new region, ideal for settling down with a family and discovering new treasures.
"Fable III playing cards: Created by Lionhead, these cards depict every type of character in "Fable III," including Heroes, royals, rebels and villains from across Albion and beyond.
"Guild Seal Coin: The coin features a Good side (blue) and Evil side (red) to assist players in making critical decisions that will impact the fate of the world forever.
"A new dog breed: Renowned for its loyalty, the Boxer is a brave canine companion worthy of greatest Queens and Kings.
"One unique outfit: Unearth one male and female outfit from the mysterious, faraway land of Aurora, a new destination in your "Fable III" adventures."

Here Are Some More Screenshots - Source xzxzxz70 + hobbes_pwn








Also From Eurogamer​




Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

<<<<<<reserved - with permision from Dark Drakan and Projectego>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Thanks :) ill be adding them now


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Thanks if you have any more information please tell me :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Your welcome :D

Skorm's Boss

Nasty Bugger
May 9, 2008
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

drool worthy! thanks for neatly bringing all of this wonderful news together!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

No problem if you have any new info please add it :)


Feb 1, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

this thread should be stickied.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Thanks i hope it does get stiky stasus haha


Feb 1, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

^i think theyre not stickying it because theres already a stickied thread like this in Fable 3 Discussion. its not as updated as this one though


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

ahhh :) im trying to keep it updated as well as i can


The kitty is watching...
Oct 24, 2009
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Even if it doesn't get stickied its still a great thread.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

why thank you much apreciated :D


Feb 1, 2010
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

yes but if its not stickied itll eventually get lost at the bottom of the threads unless people post on in everyday to keep it at the top. if its stickied, we dont need to, we can just read the new info. if ur reading admins, STICKY THIS THREAD (no violence intended) :)


The kitty is watching...
Oct 24, 2009
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Re: Fable 3 News Thread

Your welcome. :)
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