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I pray for you, America.


Ax-Wielding Nerd
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
What's wrong with Obama?
I dont really pay attention to what happens over in the states, but it doesn't seem like he has been that bad..

Tsuyu's got rampaging paranoia where it comes to Muslims and Islam. Thinks everyone panders to them. He'd HATE Thomas Jefferson. Hell, he'd REALLY hate that Michigan senator or representative or whatever... Ellison, I think his name was?


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Well, Obama was my bro. I liked him. When people called him a "secret Muslim" I figured they were just sour for losing the election and picking on his middle name.


As it turns out, Obama has done quite a lot to foster the barbaric and uncivilized ideology that is Islam.

All there, neatly listed and in sources. Everything from giving favourable treatment to Muslims to out-right working with terrorist groups. Only goes back to '10, so who knows what else he has done the last two years?

Tsuyu's got rampaging paranoia where it comes to Muslims and Islam. Thinks everyone panders to them. He'd HATE Thomas Jefferson. Hell, he'd REALLY hate that Michigan senator or representative or whatever... Ellison, I think his name was?

Warranted paranoia, if such a thing exists.

Open your eyes, mate.

But then again, you're American. It hasn't really hit home over there yet as it has here in Europe.


Ax-Wielding Nerd
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah... Scarecrow, let me correct that. I meant to say what he did right there.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
When you have women gang-raped by Muslims who shove a glass bottle up her snatch and crush it, you'll open your eyes. When directly imported Muhammad gets a free home, free driving license and gets to step ahead of you when it comes to employment as to not discriminate against him while you're stuck in your parents basement, you'll open your eyes. When Islamic murderers don't even get prison time but rather a slap on the wrist because they killed in honour of their family, you'll open your eyes.

All this and more is reality in Sweden. We're being discriminated against, and violated by, our own system. All in the name of multiculturalism and dhimmi appeasement.


Edible in some countries
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Problems I have with this thread:

1. The assertion and/or implication that Americans are stupid or otherwise apathetic.
-Unless I missed someone, Walker and I are the only two Americans in this thread. Evidence does not suggest the conclusion and furthermore, the notion is being made by people who don't actually live in America and therefore wouldn't really know.

2. Hate on Obama. Why? Because he did too much reaching out to an insane religion that doesn't fit in the framework of western civilization? Yeah, that's not terrific, but disliking him as a whole because of it? He's done a fantastic job of doing his job exactly the way he promised. He is also FAR from being a wuss. His first month in office American citizens are taken hostage on the coast of Somalia. He has the option to either attempt negotiation, cooperate with the Somalian government (respecting their identity as a sovereign nation), or send in the Navy Seals. He knows full well that a negative outcome could soil popularity polls for the remainder of his term but he sent in the Seals. Four headshots and everyone comes home. Not many people could have made that decision. It shows more stones that A LOT of other politicians do these days. He's calculating and pragmatic, which is a good thing.

3. Lumping of Republicans as a uniform group. Republicans are a horribly, horribly splintered political party right now. Highly diverse in their views and intelligence. Democrats are a bit more uniform on their views, at least. The intelligence varies just like every other part of the world.

Back on the topic of Muslims: exposure to the western world isn't the death of freedom, it's the death of Islam. All the other great monotheisms have crumbled into being nothing more than personal habit. Muslims are free to move and live here, just as they're free to leave should they decide that the more atrocious side of their religion is more important to them than living in a country that can offer them a higher quality of life.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
fffffffffffffffffffffff this thread



is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not sure where you are getting the 'all Americans are stupid' vibe...

I never said nor believe that. I'll give a more elaborated reply tomorrow (freakin iPhone)


Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Say what you will: Obama is getting us socially closer to Europe than any other president.


Dean Gullberry
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
That's why I want to be president. I have a religion where we believe in the Dragons Who Forged The Physical And Spiritual Worlds. At one point the planes of space in its infinite dimensions were inhabited and traveled by the 300 Dragon Lords. For as long as the universe existed the dragons lived in harmony and prosperity gliding merrily through our dimensional existences. BUT the sly and vile Dragon Lord Vulmeeragrax grew tired and decided to thrust the universe into The Creation Times. Very long story very short, she starts a civil war. The carcasses of the 297 Dragon Lords who were slain soon rooted in place in the the various crevices of the galaxies. Their bones became the core and base of all planets, rounding out after billions of years and taking shape as the planets we know today. Their blood became water, the base need for everything that lives. And finally, their divine souls divided and spread to the many corners of the universe and inhabited the elements as Life Energy. Soon, this Life energy formed into man and creatures of various size and shape. Blah blah blah doctrine the remaining 3 Dragon Lords, Dalmakvera, Exyg - (unpronouncable syllable) - ytsharix and Tlak-Vlagtoorad, govern the universe in its current state.

So yeah, 3 man religious oligarchy in my government.


The Token Schizo
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
That's why I want to be president. I have a religion where we believe in the Dragons Who Forged The Physical And Spiritual Worlds. At one point the planes of space in its infinite dimensions were inhabited and traveled by the 300 Dragon Lords. For as long as the universe existed the dragons lived in harmony and prosperity gliding merrily through our dimensional existences. BUT the sly and vile Dragon Lord Vulmeeragrax grew tired and decided to thrust the universe into The Creation Times. Very long story very short, she starts a civil war. The carcasses of the 297 Dragon Lords who were slain soon rooted in place in the the various crevices of the galaxies. Their bones became the core and base of all planets, rounding out after billions of years and taking shape as the planets we know today. Their blood became water, the base need for everything that lives. And finally, their divine souls divided and spread to the many corners of the universe and inhabited the elements as Life Energy. Soon, this Life energy formed into man and creatures of various size and shape. Blah blah blah doctrine the remaining 3 Dragon Lords, Dalmakvera, Exyg - (unpronouncable syllable) - ytsharix and Tlak-Vlagtoorad, govern the universe in its current state.

So yeah, 3 man religious oligarchy in my government.

I'd vote for you

Wonderfoole WINO

Schizoid Misanthopist
May 19, 2008
Reaction score
And dude, WTF?

I mean, really, WTF?

What? I don't understand. I said what I meant and I meant what I said. Some (not all) theists (religion/theology believers) really really despise anyone with the audacity to disagree with them. It is entirely possible that the United States has had at least one president who was an athiest but (wisely) didn't say so in public.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
2. Hate on Obama. Why? Because he did too much reaching out to an insane religion that doesn't fit in the framework of western civilization? Yeah, that's not terrific, but disliking him as a whole because of it? He's done a fantastic job of doing his job exactly the way he promised. He is also FAR from being a wuss. His first month in office American citizens are taken hostage on the coast of Somalia. He has the option to either attempt negotiation, cooperate with the Somalian government (respecting their identity as a sovereign nation), or send in the Navy Seals. He knows full well that a negative outcome could soil popularity polls for the remainder of his term but he sent in the Seals. Four headshots and everyone comes home. Not many people could have made that decision. It shows more stones that A LOT of other politicians do these days. He's calculating and pragmatic, which is a good thing.

That's one thing. See any of the things I listed. Madness. He bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia (home of the batshit crazy Wahhabi flavour of Islam) like a servant - the leader of the free world bows down to Islam. I'll let Pat Condell elaborate further, because he does it so well:

Check it on YouTube, sources to everything he says is in the description of the video.

3. Lumping of Republicans as a uniform group. Republicans are a horribly, horribly splintered political party right now. Highly diverse in their views and intelligence. Democrats are a bit more uniform on their views, at least. The intelligence varies just like every other part of the world..

Their religion usually doesn't. Well, rather their take on their religion.

Back on the topic of Muslims: exposure to the western world isn't the death of freedom, it's the death of Islam. All the other great monotheisms have crumbled into being nothing more than personal habit. Muslims are free to move and live here, just as they're free to leave should they decide that the more atrocious side of their religion is more important to them than living in a country that can offer them a higher quality of life.

You are wrong. Islam does not wish to adopt to your culture, it is either Islam's way or the high way. History has shown this with tons of Jihads going to places such as India, killing anyone who doesn't convert to Islam. Convert to Islam, serve Islam in dhimmitude or death; that is the ultimate goal for the world according to the Quran.

A recent example; in Syria the rebels spend their free time killing Christians and burning churches when they are not fighting the government. The biggest problem is Saudi Arabia; as I mention it is home to the most batshit crazy form of Islam with its hateful clergy which has made it a place where you get executed for witchcraft and women who get raped are likewise executed for "illegal sex". And raped they are, because women who show as much as any bit of flesh or hair send the Saudi men into a raping frenzy. Why? Because they are thought that any women who doesn't wear a friggin' tent all day is a whore asking for it.

Saudi money is financing lots of groups in our countries which abuses the spinelessness of our dhimmi politicians to integrate Islam more and more into our society. In the UK you have people like Andy Chaudry (or whatever he calls himself now) who show the true face of Islamic integration in the Western world.

You can put your fingers in your ears and say that it is all OK and exchange of culture is a beautiful thing if you wish, but this is how it is. Islam is a cancer to the world. At least Christianity has some positive aspects as well as having moved on from the dark ages. Countries living under Islamic rule are very much living there still. Again, take it away Pat:

Part 1
Part 2


Metal Connoisseur
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Atheists are fools just like Christians and any other religion or belief of such things.
Divulge, if you will.

Also I really don't have the energy to painstakingly analyse Pat Condell's arguments and sources but considering he's one of the most biased people I've seen arguing about these topics I can't say I'm overly confident about an accurate and balanced opinion. But hey, that's just speculation on my part.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Whatever bias you perceive him to have, his points are most certainly valid and backed up with credible evidence.


Metal Connoisseur
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, yeah, my statement was an over generalization. There are people with the same credo, but different from the idiots that spoil the bunch.
You still didn't divulge.


It's getting better, man!
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
At least they are fools on their own merit; not because their heads are up in the clouds. An atheist who is stupid is so because of himself. A Christian or Muslim who acts stupid is most certainly doing so because of their religion.

What makes you think they do what they do because they are motivated by their religion all the time, even in non-religious circumstances? A lot of the time the Christians will be annoyed by the restrictions of their religion too, we're all human afterall.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Because that's the sort of stupidity they display in public.


Edible in some countries
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
That's one thing. See any of the things I listed. Madness. He bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia (home of the batshit crazy Wahhabi flavour of Islam) like a servant - the leader of the free world bows down to Islam. I'll let Pat Condell elaborate further, because he does it so well:

Check it on YouTube, sources to everything he says is in the description of the video.
Appealing to a madman's delusions of grandeur is one of the most intelligent things you can do.
What do you think was going through his head when he did that?
"I'm mother. f***ing. Obama."
That's what.

On a more serious note, I don't indulge short bullet-pointed lists like that when it comes to forming an opinion. It lacks a crucial element that every important piece of information needs: context. Without context it could be used to convey any meaning. Anyone's reluctance to provide context on their source material should be suspect. He also uses a diverse number of publications for his sources, a fair number of which are relatively obscure. I don't know about you, but I can't say I've ever woken up in the morning and gotten my news from The Daily Beast, or Newsmax. Gate Stone Institute is particularly suspect since it seems to claim that it reports news that the mainstream media is too blundering and incapable to do right, which usually in reality means that they care a little too strongly about certain issues and want other people to join them in their fanaticism. In other words, tell everyone that the big bad muslims are building a Mosque at Ground Zero so they'll join in with your cause. You can never be certain of what obligations to truth these sources have.

You are wrong. Islam does not wish to adopt to your culture, it is either Islam's way or the high way. History has shown this with tons of Jihads going to places such as India, killing anyone who doesn't convert to Islam. Convert to Islam, serve Islam in dhimmitude or death; that is the ultimate goal for the world according to the Quran.

A recent example; in Syria the rebels spend their free time killing Christians and burning churches when they are not fighting the government. The biggest problem is Saudi Arabia; as I mention it is home to the most batshit crazy form of Islam with its hateful clergy which has made it a place where you get executed for witchcraft and women who get raped are likewise executed for "illegal sex". And raped they are, because women who show as much as any bit of flesh or hair send the Saudi men into a raping frenzy. Why? Because they are thought that any women who doesn't wear a friggin' tent all day is a whore asking for it.

Saudi money is financing lots of groups in our countries which abuses the spinelessness of our dhimmi politicians to integrate Islam more and more into our society. In the UK you have people like Andy Chaudry (or whatever he calls himself now) who show the true face of Islamic integration in the Western world.

You can put your fingers in your ears and say that it is all OK and exchange of culture is a beautiful thing if you wish, but this is how it is. Islam is a cancer to the world. At least Christianity has some positive aspects as well as having moved on from the dark ages. Countries living under Islamic rule are very much living there still.

See, that's a lovely 4 paragraphs and all, but I already said that I agree with you on the general idea that Islam as a religion (or at least certain behaviors in Islamic culture) are incongruent with western culture.
Hate on Obama. Why? Because he did too much reaching out to an insane religion that doesn't fit in the framework of western civilization? Yeah, that's not terrific, but disliking him as a whole because of it? He's done a fantastic job of doing his job exactly the way he promised. He is also FAR from being a wuss. His first month in office Amer.......

My main point that I was making was really a response to what you said. I know how you feel about Islam and I sympathize to a degree, but I don't think that Muslims will displace and destroy everything I live for. I think it'll be the other way around.
Look at modern Christianity and Judaism in the USA and Europe. "Devout" believers are becoming less and less frequent. There's a great increase in agnosticism and atheism. I think we've already proven that radical and violent theocratic cultures don't survive for generations when you introduce their kids to fast-food chains and video games.

Last thing, on the note of republicans (which ties into what I just said). There's a wide spectrum of Republicans these days in the US. They either regurgitate everything they see on Fox News or they're free market capitalist libertarians. Their views on just about any issue can be different. If a view is shared, it may not be for religious reasons on both sides. Yes, a lot of them are idiots, but it's not always the case.