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So, What DLC do we want to see. *Probably Spoilers*

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
Now that most people have probably completed the game once at least, I was wondering what sort of things people would like to see added as the inevitable DLC. I'm not talking patches etc, so leave the talk of bugs/glitches to other threads please.

1. I would like to see a series of Judgements added after the end game. Give those good heroes that had to sacrifice thier word and values to protect thier lands a chance to make ammends.

2. I miss having a repeatable arena like thing. Easily tied with the first idea of post game judgements, maybe the mercenaries at the camp grow restless after the war and you can give them permession to turn thier camp into a fighting arena or something.

3. Unless his being saved to be brought out of the box again in Fable 4, please can we kill Reaver. Or bring forth some sort of retribution to him? As much as he is brilliant, I still want to kill him.

4. Some kind of Hammer/Garth conclusion. What became of them, did they ever do anything more. I like having ends tied up, and I feel there is still something left in thier stories, Garth's certainly.

Obviously more weapons, costumes, dyes etc are a given. I'd quite like to see a few more spell potions but i'm not sure how that would work interface wise. Additional gauntlets could work though.
1. Bring back hook coast, what the hell happend to that place anyway? Knothole island got to come back in fable 2, i want to see Hook coast again ;'(

2. More dyes, hairsytles & costumes

3. I also would like to kill reaver

4. Would also like a Garth/Hammer conclusion

5. I want still want to go to Samarkand (or however you spell it)
1. A way to bring back all the people who died because you did not have enough money as a king being. (Like the dog in F2 with the DLC)
2. More judgements indeed
3. More quests
4. A couple of more villages in Aurora
5. More variety in clothes
-Agreed on all counts with more customisation: hairstyles, clothing, potions, additional items.

-Shrinking and growing potions again (and the ability to drink when I want and read descriptions, I really enjoyed reading the information on every item). I want to see the amount of work put into each item and its use as they did for the previous two installments.

-Some Will related quests where, if we're fortunate, we'll get an explanation for the gauntlets.

-I realise this would be an unseen direction for Fable - but I would like to be in possession of a suit that would make me indistinguishable as monarch. Perhaps you may wish to go on a crime-spree, or simply don't feel that everyone should know you to be king while wearing something entirely face-concealing.

-Agreed on more King/Queen court judgements. I want to see more consequences and have more use for being monarch other than a shiny crown.

-The option to use my kingly status to order a small handful of soldiers to follow me around. Not so much that the Hero needs any help whatsoever fighting, just to have the option...and maybe so I can sit to the side and have some fun watching my men battle a few balverines.

-Oh, right, the Expression Wheel: bring it back. Interweave the new system with it.

-I would like to have the dog feel more like a friend to me. There is no emotional connection between him and the character. Perhaps a quest where the dog is injured fighting to save you and the Hero needs to find a way to save him, something.

-Meeting Reaver again would be nice, perhaps some dialogue concerning your dead parent, and the choice to kill him or even go on a journey with him to find Garth (or his remains and legacy) perhaps.

-I was really hoping for more locations. I want to at least see where Brightwood is and what has become it. It would be nice to get a look at Oakvale/Wraithmarsh and see where it went after the Globe quest from Murgo...was that all for nothing? Where is Bloodstone? Where are the tie-ins to locations our first Hero poured his sweat and blood into? Even though time has changed them; I am a nostalgic person and enjoy re-visiting old battle grounds...especially considering I have a blood-link to the first Hero and these places.
1. Knothole island, or more areas in aurora

2. More customization

3. Im also for some kind of garth/hammer conclusion.
I would love to dip more in the Shadows story. It just felt so... unfinished.
Garth and Hammer's story tied up? What about Rose and Scythe? What about any of the incomplete fable lore?
Garth and Hammer's story tied up? What about Rose and Scythe? What about any of the incomplete fable lore?

I guess I'm just a sucker for lore but I agree with this. There are far too many loose ends that I sincerely doubt can be tied up within just two games without them saying "This happens/happened just because". I want to know more about the Shadow Council, more about Theresa and her motives, more about Scythe, more about the Old Kingdom, etc.

... Though I don't think they can fit all that into DLC/expansion packs.
Firstly, I would much prefer an expansion pack.

Secondly, some kind of expedition into Aurora (or however it's spelt) to find new items and long forgotten secrets best left un-touched!

The ability to use the Guild Seal as a weapon.
i dont see why there was a dark guild and not a light guild now?
it would be awesome to see some of them monk clothing be wearable.
like the red robes the baron quest people use.

im suprised they werent so lazy enough to use a few villager clothing as hero clothing aswell. since a few of their outfits would look good when mixed up together.

i would also love to see some more story revealed about rose and scythe. or at least more references and items, like scythes hammer, and tattoo's which are awesome, his gold and blue clothes are the best though and i would pay loads for it.
I guess I'm just a sucker for lore but I agree with this. There are far too many loose ends that I sincerely doubt can be tied up within just two games without them saying "This happens/happened just because". I want to know more about the Shadow Council, more about Theresa and her motives, more about Scythe, more about the Old Kingdom, etc.

... Though I don't think they can fit all that into DLC/expansion packs.

I share that attribute with you. Fable, from the beginning for me, has been all about a seemingly simple story and the ever-growing lore that went into it to make something fantastic. I'm not one for anticipation, as it leads to disappointment, but I will confess a little void in myself where there should be far more information on characters we've been introduced to and fought alongside. Not to mention locations that are in the same situation.
i dont see why there was a dark guild and not a light guild now?
it would be awesome to see some of them monk clothing be wearable.
like the red robes the baron quest people use.

im suprised they werent so lazy enough to use a few villager clothing as hero clothing aswell. since a few of their outfits would look good when mixed up together.

i would also love to see some more story revealed about rose and scythe. or at least more references and items, like scythes hammer, and tattoo's which are awesome, his gold and blue clothes are the best though and i would pay loads for it.

Now there's a good suggestion. The robes the magi were wearing during the Baron quest were very sexy and I would KILL to get myself a pair of those.

I share that attribute with you. Fable, from the beginning for me, has been all about a seemingly simple story and the ever-growing lore that went into it to make something fantastic. I'm not one for anticipation, as it leads to disappointment, but I will confess a little void in myself where there should be far more information on characters we've been introduced to and fought alongside. Not to mention locations that are in the same situation.

I'll admit, I let myself get hyped up for Fable III even though I told myself not to. But I think it's only natural to hope for the characters in any game, book, movie, etc. to have some depth of them. After all, what's the point of even having them there if we don't get emotionally attached to them on some level?
1. New clothing and hairstyles
2. A story based DLC which will show us the future for our character or others...... Wait a minute...
Screw that, I'd rather know what actually killed my Fable II hero. Old age is a lame excuse.

I noticed they never actually explained what happened. I too would like to know what happened to BOTH my heroes. Considering they were masters of Will, they should still be alive and well today.
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