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Fable 4 Ideas


Oct 30, 2010
Now, I know that Fable 3 has just come out, but I've already begun thinking of broad ideas for Fables 4 and 5. Not story ideas or game mechanics or anything, but rather aesthetics. Fable 3 was said to be Victorian. It is, I suppose, early Victorian, but Regency would be more accurate in my opinion. Assuming that the next two Fables continue the trend of taking place in the future, what would they be like? I doubt will have a Fable world that resembles the 21st century, but we could get close.

I see Fable 4 as working in a bit of a World War I time period. Trench warfare, rifles that still aren't great, and, since it's fable, still leave room for swords. I also see the the fashions being a bit out of style with WWI times, being more 1880's and 90's than 1910's. Magic would still exist, as would monsters, it would just be taking place further along in history. To me, this seems like a logical progression of things--we wouldn't see anything TOO out of place from Fable 3 even.

For Fable 5, I actually picture a world similar to Final Fantasy 7's. By this I mean the rise of modern cities, a focus more on diesel/fuel power over steam power, and science. Of course, magic would still have a place, as would monsters. Swords would probably be a bit obsolete, but could still be a plausible option for heroes.

Just some of my ideas, I'd love to here what some other people think. However, I would LIKE to keep this thread focused on ideas relating to the FUTURE of the Fable world. For instance, don't post that you would want to see Albion's history revisited.
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I agree with your idea for Fable 4, set in like 1880's. If they move forward with 5 aswell I can't see technology advancing much, although it'd be interesting to see what they'd do. They could pull of the industry of Bowerstone spreading, several other smaller cities forming; trench warfare, constant mortar attacks and army outposts in the forest/marsh regions. A Hobbe city would be cool.:P Albion having formed a stable kingdom, but with crime and poverty and disease still..
Now, I know that Fable 3 has just come out, but I've already begun thinking of broad ideas for Fables 4 and 5. Not story ideas or game mechanics or anything, but rather aesthetics. Fable 3 was said to be Victorian. It is, I suppose, early Victorian, but Regency would be more accurate in my opinion. Assuming that the next two Fables continue the trend of taking place in the future, what would they be like? I doubt will have a Fable world that resembles the 21st century, but we could get close.

I see Fable 4 as working in a bit of a World War I time period. Trench warfare, rifles that still aren't great, and, since it's fable, still leave room for swords. I also see the the fashions being a bit out of style with WWI times, being more 1880's and 90's than 1910's. Magic would still exist, as would monsters, it would just be taking place further along in history. To me, this seems like a logical progression of things--we wouldn't see anything TOO out of place from Fable 3 even.

For Fable 5, I actually picture a world similar to Final Fantasy 7's. By this I mean the rise of modern cities, a focus more on diesel/fuel power over steam power, and science. Of course, magic would still have a place, as would monsters. Swords would probably be a bit obsolete, but could still be a plausible option for heroes.

Just some of my ideas, I'd love to here what some other people think. However, I would LIKE to keep this thread focused on ideas relating to the FUTURE of the Fable world. For instance, don't post that you would want to see Albion's history revisited.

Too bad, I posted, I would like to go back to the Old Kingdom.
Please don't even bother trying to do this when fable 3 has only just came out. It kind of fails when you post a topic like this into a fable 3 section of the site, move the topic somewhere else.

No offence but please do not bother doing such things at this point in time. You cant even make ideas if you havent clocked and completed the whole of fable 3 which I highly doubt you have.
For Fable 5, I actually picture a world similar to Final Fantasy 7's. By this I mean the rise of modern cities, a focus more on diesel/fuel power over steam power, and science. Of course, magic would still have a place, as would monsters. Swords would probably be a bit obsolete, but could still be a plausible option for heroes..

Never played final fantasy (so i don't know if what i'm about to say is what you have already implied), but i imagine they would probably go down the steampunk path (from looking at the train systems and other mechanics in fable 3) that would make swords and magic still viable.
Please don't even bother trying to do this when fable 3 has only just came out. It kind of fails when you post a topic like this into a fable 3 section of the site, move the topic somewhere else.

No offence but please do not bother doing such things at this point in time. You cant even make ideas if you havent clocked and completed the whole of fable 3 which I highly doubt you have.

Lots of us have completed fable 3, and would like to think about fable 4 this early, so if you don't like stay off this thread.
i would hate to see the world war era in fable 4.
peter molyneux was boasting greatly about how albion has become hugely industrialised and victorian, when only 10% is.

i would prefer fable 4 for be a more industrial/victorian/steampunk world of albion, and maybe fable 1 type locations in aurora.
that would show great development though each game, yet still some reminiscent areas.
Please don't even bother trying to do this when fable 3 has only just came out. It kind of fails when you post a topic like this into a fable 3 section of the site, move the topic somewhere else.

No offence but please do not bother doing such things at this point in time. You cant even make ideas if you havent clocked and completed the whole of fable 3 which I highly doubt you have.

Too bad there's not an unlike button for this post because I think it's extremely rude. Not only that but the bad spelling makes my eyes bleed. AND I don't see how it's your say anyway.
I realise that you believe it is self-explanatory, but for me at least it is not. Sometimes what we write and what me mean gets all fuddled and I am offering you the chance to clarify.

And I am offering you the chance to read it and then think about it. I mean, honestly... it's more clear than a diamond.
Well. I wouldn't mind an actual Fable 2... You know, go back in time and take another 2 years on it. I mean, that's probably just me. These sequels feel like entirely different games.
I remember reading something where PM mentioned WWI. Don't believe me though, because I have no source or link to verify, and I don't even know if I believe myself. It'd be cool if in Fable 4, you had to suppress a revolution.
No. There's no way you played Fable III if you're actually thinking about Fable IV.
Additionally, I also don't understand what you're trying to say here at all. It would be nice if you would explain it.