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Reaver - Discuss

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Active Member
Nov 7, 2010
Why didn't we get to kill Reaver? He is worse than Logan. And yet we haven no choice but to give him contracts!? And you can't even buy his house... Worst part of it all. In Fable 4 there better be a GOOD reason to keep this POS around.
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Preach on, brother.

Reaver needs to die and it needs to be an exceptionally brutal death.
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I would love to see Reaver age because he was unable to fulfill his arrangement with the shadow court for whatever reason.
I personally think Lionhead really want you the player to relish the opportunity that one day, Reaver will get his comeuppance in the Fable saga. That's how I see it, besides which, I get the impression Lionhead are really big fans of Stephen Fry and they want to him to play a part right up until the last chapter.
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Because Reaver is a good character which adds a lot of interest into the otherwise dull plot. If they get hid of him, then the plot suffers.
He is FIT end of, i wanna marry him, and adopt children, and live in my castle happily ever after, and have the occasional duel;) <3 x
I love Reaver (at least I did back in Fable II), but he certainly does deserve death and nothing else. Have you seen the weird **** he left in his mansion? Mixed with bras and whatnot, there are f--king caged chickens! WE MUST LIBERATE THE POULTRY!
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Thats the problem with Reaver. How ever much I want to kill him... I'd seriously miss him too. His as brilliant as he is horrific.
Aye agreed here, Reaver is one to be hated a lot, but I'd miss him a lot should he be dead. I don't dislike him personally, especially not in Fable 3.

In-fact, I also think that Reaver makes the most sense when you have to cast your judgments about everything you promised. Why do this or that when you can do it the Reaver way?
Honestly, I kind of like what they do for him in this game, although in his book that you return he may have killed Garth or at least tried to :(.
Reaver's the guy you love to hate. He's an infuriatingly charismatic prick who you really want to see get his long deserved comeuppance, but at the same time he adds something vital to Fable 2 & 3; an anti-hero who is running on his own agenda, and no-one else's. Reaver does everything he does for no-one other than him, and that's why he works so well.

There's no darkness to make him make cruel choices like Logan. There's no tragic family death like Lucien. He's just a smug twat who sacrificed Oakvale to escape the only thing he feared, death itself.

I don't think Reaver is evil, in all honesty. That's far too strong a word for him. He's pretty damn far from good too, for that matter. He's just.. well, Reaver.

I think it would have been awesome to fight him, but I don't agree with killing him. He adds something far too strong to the Fable series to just off him like that.
I for one believe Reaver was heavily influenced by Chicken Chaser. This while being heavily harassed by a pair of sadistic and masochistic chickens and therefore developing quite a chicken complex. In other words, he chases and taps chickens. He is the Chicken Tapper. D:

There should have been a royal judgment about this. (A) Liberate the Poultry (X) Tap some chickens with Reaver

And we'd all be way more scarred than the last Fable games already had us. Yay.
I suppose some people here have a point. Although Reaver is a complete twat, He has an enormous amount of charm and charisma. Plus He's a good character in terms of His background story and I always thought He was the better advisor (even If I didn't listen to Him.) The world would be a very dull place without Reaver type characters to spice it up.

However it would be nice to have the choice to kill Him, or to let Him live if thats what You want as a player. All I know is that there are plenty of players who want Reaver dead, I think those players should at least be empowered with the option to kill Him.
The trouble with having the option to kill him, is that it would split into two different canons. Unless they decide to drop Reaver completely from further games, that is. But given how awesome he is, and how much the creators clearly like him, I doubt that's going to happen.
Thats the problem with Reaver. How ever much I want to kill him... I'd seriously miss him too. His as brilliant as he is horrific.

So, so, so true. However it was easier to hate him in this game than in Fable 2, the only stuff he did to make you hate him in Fable 2 was trick you into making a deal with the Shadow Court, possibly stealing the final boss from you, and KILLING BARNUM. But at the same time whenever I watched him in battle I just found it impossible to hate him when he was so brilliant. Less brilliant this time around but very funny...
The trouble with having the option to kill him, is that it would split into two different canons. Unless they decide to drop Reaver completely from further games, that is. But given how awesome he is, and how much the creators clearly like him, I doubt that's going to happen.
I'm pretty sure the canon storyline is of a Hero who is somewhere between neutral and good, with many references throughout the game that he/she might have been evil. The first game was probably not created with the thought of a long series or anything, so when they made the whole "what will you become?" concept they weren't really concerned with canon. It was "your" story.

Now that it's an on-going series a canon has been established but they option to play as evil remains because it's a landmark feature of the Fable games. One hint/proof of this is the story in Fable III; it's clearly not about an all-through evil monster. At worst, it could canonically be about a more caring version of Reaver (which by the way totally justifies this theory ranting in this thread. *cough*).

The series will always keep references to previous games somewhat vague though, as too broaden what could be considered canon depending on how you played the game. For example, whether you saved Elise/Elliot or the workers--or none--might not be as obvious as what I stated above about the Hero obviously not being an emotionless antagonist-like monster.

Anyway, back to Reaver... LIBERATE THE POULTRY! (Although that's barely on-topic either. Barely.)
while I agree he ads something in the beginning, allowing him contracts makes me rage. hes a bad guy! and if he died, surely lionhead could come up with someone else. reaver isnt necessary, but a a bad guy is! i was actually really surprised to see reaver. in f2 i thought he was a jackass but they really turned him into a villian in this chapter.

I don't think Reaver is evil, in all honesty. That's far too strong a word for him.

Seriously? Killing artists because he is dissatisfied with their work, stealing the youths of countless people to maintain his, destroying Oakvale, selling out the hero to Lucien, having people slaughtered in his private arena for sport, enslaving children... What more does he need to do to qualify as evil?
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