Not nearly enough, my friend. Not nearly enough. All fifty legendary weapons can be obtained on one console (just make multiple gamertags and farm the fable 3 playthroughs). The Inquisitor Sword is very rare now. Like the Absolver, The Champion, The Channeler and The Wolfsbane sword.
I never said there weren't any morons out there; I said it would be hard to find themIt's true, but search around enough on different sites and you'll be able to find someone will trade it you for pittance, legendary guys.
I never said there weren't any morons out there; I said it would be hard to find them
The fact that they can acquire all the weapons you're offering on ONE console, AND keep the limited release weapon. But if you insist on begging a lost cause, then be my guest.Anyone whose willing to trade a Pre-order Weapon for Legendary ones aren't morons, they may just not be desperate for the weapons, I have the majority of them and can understand why, some of them aren't that good. Trading off weapons you don't want for ones you do is nicer than flogging them on ebay for a small fortune, sure you can make money out of it, but isn't it sad that a game would reduce you to that?
The fact that they can acquire all the weapons you're offering on ONE console, AND keep the limited release weapon. But if you insist on begging a lost cause, then be my guest.
Erm... making money. Look, I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I disagree with your overly hopeful attitude towards your ability to trade something physically worth something, for something immaterial. There, i've said my piece.They COULD charge you £35 for a weapon on ebay, but really, what's the point?
Erm... making money. Look, I don't want to get into an argument about this, but I disagree with your overly hopeful attitude towards your ability to trade something physically worth something, for something immaterial. There, i've said my piece.