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RIP Fable


The Iron Marquis
Feb 1, 2009
manchester, england
I'm sure I'm not the only Fable fan to notice this. Fable games have been going downhill. And I'm not actually talking about the quality.

A lot of people played Fable II and III and thought they were awful compared to F1. They are right in some aspects, but the sequels are actually very good games in their own right. It is the changes to gameplay that is worrying. My main gripe is actually over something specific. Freedom.

The freedom to do what we want and make our own choices. In Fable III our choices were massively downsized. Although weapons and clothes were now slightly more customizable, we can no longer buy what we want in shops, properly explore the game (due to the terrible map system), or be the shades of grey between good and evil that Fable I and II managed to allow us to be.

It was loved monarch or tyrant, saint or sinner, angel wings or devil's horns. Now I know a lot of people who played Fable I and II liked being the extreme - to have horns or a halo. But being able to be who we want and make choices was the most important thing.

Now, with Fable: The Journey imminent, even more of our freedom has been taken away. Restricted to a horse on a path? I heard Peter Molyneux say in an interview that Fable: TJ will allow people to see Albion as never before, and go up any path they wish. But how is that any different to being able to travel the land on foot?

Also, Peter has stated that the game will lose a lot of its humour compared to the other games, as it is a more family-oriented game.

RIP Fable. We loved you, we hated you, we will miss you. But even if The Journey is a good game, it is not a Fable game.
It hasn't been released yet, for all we know it could be the best Fable game to date. I doubt it, but still there's a chance! :thumbsup:

I'm sure Fable will make a triumphant return to form in the future. Hopefully they'll not try to pump another game out before the end of the current generation of consoles and wait until the next gen and become a launch title.
Well, from what we've been hearing thus far, I don't think we CAN call The Journey a Fable game. I'm calling it an Albion game, because we're still playing in Albion.

As stated, our freedom will be cut tremendously, and there is news that we cannot go back the way we came without dying an awful death. There will be less choice making, less weird socialising, and more horse whipping.

I think this game might not feature that one massive feature Fable is famous for: the Morality system. The most we can do to change anything is by how we treat our horse. Yet another reason why I'm calling it an Albion game, and not a Fable game. Actually, I'm gonna call it "The Game Made by Lionhead to show off Albion and Kinect".
Well, from what we've been hearing thus far, I don't think we CAN call The Journey a Fable game. I'm calling it an Albion game, because we're still playing in Albion.

As stated, our freedom will be cut tremendously, and there is news that we cannot go back the way we came without dying an awful death. There will be less choice making, less weird socialising, and more horse whipping.

I think this game might not feature that one massive feature Fable is famous for: the Morality system. The most we can do to change anything is by how we treat our horse. Yet another reason why I'm calling it an Albion game, and not a Fable game. Actually, I'm gonna call it "The Game Made by Lionhead to show off Albion and Kinect".

Still, I think it will be a great kinect game. Its the best-looking kinect game so far, and its the only one that allows you to SIT down while you play. Lets wait and see, shall we?
Can I "RIP" Fable too? I think it's stupid and smelly and not very nice and it doesn't have enough guns, or enough carriage driving, carriage jacking, or gunslinging across bowerstone while blasting magic at hobbes and it has too much humor, depth, and RPG elements. F' the stats, the thought, the customizing. We're going Black and White Morality all up in this Bee-otch!! No... Wait... No morality!!

Let's streamline it.... Everyone starts and ends The Journey a Gypsy Carriage Driver! Yeah-uh!
Wait, wait, waiiiittt.... its losing its humour? Correct me if I'm wrong and I'm not so **** off.... but wasn't the original premise of 'Fable' to be a RPG with English humour, and morality? Y'know to set it apart from other RPG's and what not, so now its a RPG with no humour, and a horse is now the main attraction something everyone on LH has been asking for since fable 1.... ah Lionhead when will you realise you have to make a game with gimmicks, not a gimmick with a game glued on to it?

It's my fondest wish Peter either goes bankrupt or repents and competes with the level of competition he's coming up against.
Wait, wait, waiiiittt.... its losing its humour? Correct me if I'm wrong and I'm not so **** off.... but wasn't the original premise of 'Fable' to be a RPG with English humour, and morality?

Crazy, huh? It's all going streamlined and family friendly, like a shaved kitten shot out of a cannon. I just hope that things shape up, or at least they could drop the Fable title from all these new games, maybe change it to 'Adventures in Albion' title for any other family friendly b.s. they pull. I dunno. What in the hell are they thinking at this point? :/
Well to start with, it seems here a lot has no idea what all this is about.
So i will try get rid of a few mistakes.

The demo we all have seen is in alpha state or almost really new its far from done, they will make an melee like fight to, where you create weapons with your magic.

There will be one or more white open areas where you can walk free around.

And its a shame as they wantet to see how an rpg can work on kinect, but if ya really followed all they said then you knew they work on an Fable 4 (Fable: TJ is an game like final fantasy tatics to Nintendo: DS) its an out of line side game.

Number 4 will be with controllers just like 1, 2 and 3 is.

And its so easy to say lot of bad things in an early state of an game, wait for the final release, and if you dont like it then dont buy it.

I wont buy it as i like the 1-2-3 style and i dont have (and dont want) kinect at all so my reason is i dont play kinect at all.

My point is know facts before dislike or R.I.P an game.
They said they work on an title next to the journey. So my guess is somewhere 2013 will we get an fable 4 that is far better than all we have played so far :D

The journey was for them to be the first to show rpg can work on Kinect to, and in that way, its good an rpg game starts crappy on kinect, why you may ask, well if its crappy others will come and try make that better = future can bring many rpg games to kinect to. im sure some Kinect users will like it as its thinking in an new way, just not an way i would play.

In an other thread http://projectego.net/forums/threads/my-ideas-for-fable-iv-and-v.28442/page-2
I posted #24 my ideas for an future fable game :)
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You dare voice a dissenting opinion of Fable? MODS! MODS, lock this thread! There is discontent among your playerbase! Squelch it immediately!
I have heard a rumor that Fable 4 may be a launch game for the next xbox (rumor only). If the graphics for the next xbox are as good as people are guessing they will be, it will be amazing. I am hoping the rumors are true.