When I'm playing games on xbox, they always and I mean ALWAYS! Come in and start talking to me or shouting/arguing or making loud noises during important points in the story the first time I'm playing....
Seriously.... every f****** time....Mass Effect 1,2,3 Bioshock 1, Fable 1,2,3 Gears of War, The force Unleashed, Assassins creed, 1,2 brotherhood, red dead, and many many more! Utterly, utterly ruins the experience effing twonks I hate them hobbitsies! I hates them! and its always on the ending or a dialogue scene....
Where'd I leave my Axe?!
Move your Xbox and TV into a different part of the cave. Far enough back so that the echoes won't bother you either.
I was just doing the thessia mission on mass effect 3 and it happened AGAIN! SICK OF IT!
They walk in on me when I was watching fable 2 ending,where the dog died[/Spoiler], so yeah that ruined the moment, and on bioshock 1's ending. And near enough every decent game in the past decade with a good story.
They would be playing Monopoly Disney Edition! THAT GAME SUCKS!I'd be more worried about you walking in on your parents. Except they wouldn't be playing video games.
I'd be more worried about you walking in on your parents. Except they wouldn't be playing video games.
They would be playing Monopoly Disney Edition! THAT GAME SUCKS!
Done that! Oh and I caught my dad fapping once, but he's caught me fapping before today, so that makes us even I guess.
Thanks for that mental image. All three of them.
Admit that you watched him for a little more.Done that! Oh and I caught my dad fapping once, but he's caught me fapping before today, so that makes us even I guess.
Bart walked in on Marge and Homer having sex. In a state of shock, Milhouse tries to comfort him in their treehouse.
"Walking on on both parents is not as bad as walking in on only one..."
My mum farts a lot.