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Playstation 4 Owns Xbox One


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Microsoft literally got owned. Biggest ownage ever.I've supported them for over a decade now and I'm so displeased with them. Switching to a Playstation next year.​
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Honestly, if you are talking about Fable then I think it's worth jumping over to the PlayStation.

I am mostly talking about Fable, but I also heard Fallout 4 might not be on the PS4. But anyway, I tend to like Fable more than most other people, especially 3. I know a lot of people have been disappointed by the series, but I still play it even now, and I enjoy it, so Fable is still keeping me stuck to the Xbox.
I'm already headed home to Playstation. FFXV and KH3, and $100 cheaper sold it for me.
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Personally I think MS conference was better, seemed more fluid to me and had alot more exclusives than what Sony showed, the end of the Sonys conference was pretty awesome - preowend games/not online stuff and the big price difference. However I'd say if I had to pick a console right now I could probably see me switching back to Sony, personally I like the console better at this time, but I dont see myself be getting either, currently do alot of PC gaming after I assembled my own rig last summer and dropping either 349 or 429 onto a console isnt really justifiable, however give it maybe 6mths-12mths and it turns out you can get a great experience with either one / if their happens to be alot of good games say restricted to one console that dont come to PC I might be tempted to pick one up.
Just interested in the new tech atm anyways, next gen is always an exciting gaming time ^.^
I havent watched the video, and dont know tooooo much about the Xboxone, buuuut is it true that you have to be online to play the games? and that your kinect has to always be on to use the xbox? If so, what the **** were Microsoft thinking, ****ing idiots.
Update: KH3 will also be on the XB1.

Still not interested in owning one. It's still $100 cheaper.
I preferred the games & the actual Xbox show as the actual games on PS4 didnt really grab me. However Microsoft have made so many mistakes with their not revealing details, high price, trying to force things on gamers & being so restricting that Sony didnt really have to do anything. All they needed to do was say they were doing the opposite to Microsoft & people would flock to them regardless of the games. At the moment console wise the PS4 has my attention more because of the price and less restrictions though they half backtracked after saying they wouldnt have the DRM the Xbox One with then said it will be down to publishers which is pretty much what Microsoft said too. Sony just worded it in a way that made them sound like the good guys.
The third-party publishers still hold the rights to restrict their used games on the PS4, if they so wish. Sony do not dictate that. It's basically the same as now, like back when EA still had the online passes. Still, the PS4 also has changeable and upgradeable HDDs. Which is another serious selling point for me, being that it's something that the Xbox One doesn't have.

At the moment console wise the PS4 has my attention more because of the price and less restrictions though they half backtracked after saying they wouldnt have the DRM the Xbox One with then said it will be down to publishers which is pretty much what Microsoft said too. Sony just worded it in a way that made them sound like the good guys.

Well there's still that mandatory 24hr check-in on Xbox One that the PS4 doesn't have.

It's unlikely that publishers will do the DRM. Things will just be as they are now. Only one game has ever really made use of always-on DRM on a console and that was one of the Persona games. The game was a failure because people simply didn't buy on that basis alone. We only have EA to really worry about, but after Sims City who knows?
The third-party publishers still hold the rights to restrict their used games on the PS4, if they so wish. Sony do not dictate that. It's basically the same as now, like back when EA still had the online passes. Still, the PS4 also has changeable and upgradeable HDDs. Which is another serious selling point for me, being that it's something that the Xbox One doesn't have.

Well there's still that mandatory 24hr check-in on Xbox One that the PS4 doesn't have.

It's unlikely that publishers will do the DRM. Things will just be as they are now. Only one game has ever really made use of always-on DRM on a console and that was one of the Persona games. The game was a failure because people simply didn't buy on that basis alone. We only have EA to really worry about, but after Sims City who knows?

The changeable HD's is a plus but I read you can use external hard drives on Xbox One which at least means you arent foced to buy an expensive Microsoft one like for 360.

'On the back of the Xbox One there is a USB 3.0 port which Microsoft says you can plug an external hard drive into. The console will allow you to store anything on an external drive that can be stored on the internal drive, so it’s basically an extension of it. That means you will be able to add terabytes of extra storage to the machine if you need it.'
The Mandatory check is a silly idea but my 360 is always connected regardless so even if I did opt for an Xbox One this wouldnt be that much of an issue for me personally. Though I am happy that Sony didnt opt to do the same as I dont particularly think this is a route consoles should head down.​
The changeable HD's is a plus but I read you can use external hard drives on Xbox One which at least means you arent foced to buy an expensive Microsoft one like for 360.

'On the back of the Xbox One there is a USB 3.0 port which Microsoft says you can plug an external hard drive into. The console will allow you to store anything on an external drive that can be stored on the internal drive, so it’s basically an extension of it. That means you will be able to add terabytes of extra storage to the machine if you need it.'
The Mandatory check is a silly idea but my 360 is always connected regardless so even if I did opt for an Xbox One this wouldnt be that much of an issue for me personally. Though I am happy that Sony didnt opt to do the same as I dont particularly think this is a route consoles should head down.​

I'm not completely boycotting MS but when a company deliberately put regulations in place that support utilitarian ideals, it's a little disheartening. I've been with MS for years now, a loyal customer and when a company comes out and says this it comes off like they don't even care. It's good that internet isn't a problem for you, but unreliable net is a problem for a lot of people still. My brother didn't have net for 2 months because of some BT mess-up and he's an avid 360 player. It's the same with people feeding their gaming lifestyles, not everyone can afford their games new. MS are reacting to economies that haven't recovered yet - it's unethical. But I digress, the external HDD is a good thing but I'd prefer something that could be clicked on and off the console as with the 360. It's funny, all my new HDDs were bought used. The only downside there was the crappy music the previous owner left on as a freebie. :lol:

Also, Xbox One relies on MS servers, just as Sims City relies on EA servers. Who's to say MS themselves won't have another EA fiasco where they underestimate the XBL population and activity, thus the servers get slammed hard on launch week, causing server lag, crashes, and hang ups. Resulting in many people with $500 bricks for the first initial weeks. Or what about when Microsoft discontinues the servers for the next, next generation, you'll never be able to play your Xbox One games again. If it doesn't happen then, it will happen eventually.
You f**king what? I was so tempted to get a PS4 but if that's true, Sony best run along.

The amount of money that Bethesda puts into their production on massive games like Fallout & TES, they couldn't possibly make a profitable return on the Xbox One by itself, let alone with all those restrictions on top of it that are turning so many people away. Even if they did put it on the PC aswell, which is a given.
I'm not completely boycotting MS but when a company deliberately put regulations in place that support utilitarian ideals, it's a little disheartening. I've been with MS for years now, a loyal customer and when a company comes out and says this it comes off like they don't even care. It's good that internet isn't a problem for you, but unreliable net is a problem for a lot of people still. My brother didn't have net for 2 months because of some BT mess-up and he's an avid 360 player. It's the same with people feeding their gaming lifestyles, not everyone can afford their games new. MS are reacting to economies that haven't recovered yet - it's unethical. But I digress, the external HDD is a good thing but I'd prefer something that could be clicked on and off the console as with the 360. It's funny, all my new HDDs were bought used. The only downside there was the crappy music the previous owner left on as a freebie. :lol:

Also, Xbox One relies on MS servers, just as Sims City relies on EA servers. Who's to say MS themselves won't have another EA fiasco where they underestimate the XBL population and activity, thus the servers get slammed hard on launch week, causing server lag, crashes, and hang ups. Resulting in many people with $500 bricks for the first initial weeks. Or what about when Microsoft discontinues the servers for the next, next generation, you'll never be able to play your Xbox One games again. If it doesn't happen then, it will happen eventually.

I understand that totally & I dont actually have any loyalty to any company ive always picked the console that best served my needs each generation & have owned them by Commodore/Atari/Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft & this generation I happened to opt for 360. Im more tempted than ever to get a Playstation again after all this too, depends what friends get too. I also appreciate net issues as I had them myself for 2 years & it was terrible. If I still had those issues I wouldnt even consider an Xbox One with those policies.
I understand that totally & I dont actually have any loyalty to any company ive always picked the console that best served my needs each generation & have owned them by Commodore/Atari/Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft & this generation I happened to opt for 360. Im more tempted than ever to get a Playstation again after all this too, depends what friends get too. I also appreciate net issues as I had them myself for 2 years & it was terrible. If I still had those issues I wouldnt even consider an Xbox One with those policies.

Sorry, I think I came off a little indignant there. At the end of the day, it's whatever anyone thinks is best for their gaming tastes, but the PS4 is just so much more user-friendly. But that's just my opinion.
So is the Xboxone finalized?.. As in with all the reactions and im assuming feedback they're getting, do you think they will alter or change anything??

Nope. Microsoft have said they feel no regret in their decisions and feel they did the right thing.
Its $100 more then Ps4

Im guessing thats because they have forced Kinect to be sold with it.

Sorry, I think I came off a little indignant there. At the end of the day, it's whatever anyone thinks is best for their gaming tastes, but the PS4 is just so much more user-friendly. But that's just my opinion.

Nope. Microsoft have said they feel no regret in their decisions and feel they did the right thing.

Im preferring the games line up of Xbox One but the consoles strict policies are putting me off.
I just wish that all the good games that get made on the Xboxone were put on the PS4 too, then i'd hands down be all over that PS4 shiiiiit!

Buuut i'll probably still get a PS4, just because Microsoft need a smack in the face