i'm a big fan of playing a game to death and then playing it to hyperdeath after installing a million mods, thomas the tank engine aludin anyone?
but there's basical;ly no worthwhile mods for fable anniversary? barely anything on the nexus and, to the best of my knowledge LITERALLY nothing on lovers lab. it really jumped out at me when i did a simple search for a mod to reduice age or remove the one time per temple cap on age reduction and i got a bunch of results for dodgy looking software instead... it drags down the replayability of games like this especially, since there's not really exploration, nor is there any real choice to the game. especially when, like me, you played TLC to hyperdeath without mods back when it was a brand new game. am i just looking in the wrong places for mods? i would have thought removing the age reduction cap would have been a day one mod, even before the modding compat was released tbh...
but there's basical;ly no worthwhile mods for fable anniversary? barely anything on the nexus and, to the best of my knowledge LITERALLY nothing on lovers lab. it really jumped out at me when i did a simple search for a mod to reduice age or remove the one time per temple cap on age reduction and i got a bunch of results for dodgy looking software instead... it drags down the replayability of games like this especially, since there's not really exploration, nor is there any real choice to the game. especially when, like me, you played TLC to hyperdeath without mods back when it was a brand new game. am i just looking in the wrong places for mods? i would have thought removing the age reduction cap would have been a day one mod, even before the modding compat was released tbh...