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no real modding communities?


New Member
Feb 9, 2020
i'm a big fan of playing a game to death and then playing it to hyperdeath after installing a million mods, thomas the tank engine aludin anyone?

but there's basical;ly no worthwhile mods for fable anniversary? barely anything on the nexus and, to the best of my knowledge LITERALLY nothing on lovers lab. it really jumped out at me when i did a simple search for a mod to reduice age or remove the one time per temple cap on age reduction and i got a bunch of results for dodgy looking software instead... it drags down the replayability of games like this especially, since there's not really exploration, nor is there any real choice to the game. especially when, like me, you played TLC to hyperdeath without mods back when it was a brand new game. am i just looking in the wrong places for mods? i would have thought removing the age reduction cap would have been a day one mod, even before the modding compat was released tbh...
Your not looking in the wrong places really. Fable modding websites are pretty much dead because the old mod tools don’t work (decently) on fable anniversary. I’m honestly spreading myself thin doing a lot of trial and error to get things working. I actually just got world editing working myself and I’m writing an extension to Vortex on the nexus and converting mods to be comparable with it. A friend of mine and I are all that’s really working on stuff at the moment but I hope that what I’ve been working on will spark some interest and get people back
Your not looking in the wrong places really. Fable modding websites are pretty much dead because the old mod tools don’t work (decently) on fable anniversary. I’m honestly spreading myself thin doing a lot of trial and error to get things working. I actually just got world editing working myself and I’m writing an extension to Vortex on the nexus and converting mods to be comparable with it. A friend of mine and I are all that’s really working on stuff at the moment but I hope that what I’ve been working on will spark some interest and get people back

i hope so too dude, so good luck! a videogame without mods might as well be a movie *shudder* the horror xD but maybe one or two good mods are all the game needs to start a wider modding community again.

i'd offer my services but i barely know HTML and PHP i'd be worse than useless at... i assume C++?

barely scraped 24 hours over two playthroughs and outta things to do in game. except collect the dolls... i actually just got a cold shiver down my spine just thinking about coin golf...
i hope so too dude, so good luck! a videogame without mods might as well be a movie *shudder* the horror xD but maybe one or two good mods are all the game needs to start a wider modding community again.

i'd offer my services but i barely know HTML and PHP i'd be worse than useless at... i assume C++?

barely scraped 24 hours over two playthroughs and outta things to do in game. except collect the dolls... i actually just got a cold shiver down my spine just thinking about coin golf...
I don’t know any languages. Just English (jk). Honestly all you need to do is tinker with the plain text stuff cause it’s almost all in plain text
The game is c++. The major tools are c# and c++. Some others are visual basic and Java. Tools can be built from any language. The most important thing to study is what the tools will be doing and why.

I don't have and don't want Anniversary. But once you get past compatibility, modding it is very much like modding TLC, and I'm pretty good at that. If you need any help, message me.
Modding for Fable has always been an ardious task and had to jump through so many hoops and use modder created tools to even get started. Hopefully with the new title being worked on all that can change finally.