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Recent content by Aions

  1. Aions

    Fable Legends Information Thread

    At first i was all YEEESSSS then i saw Xbox One NNOOOOO
  2. Aions

    Steve from Minecraft in the new Super Smash bros.

    New boss, that would be cool...
  3. Aions

    Steve from Minecraft in the new Super Smash bros.

    I would love to see that. Who would you just love to see in the new SSB?
  4. Aions

    I've asked Ted Timmins for an interview - got any questions?

    I'll stick with mine: I wanna know If they got Danny Elfman to re-mix the original Fable intro for the anniversary, as they did get Russell Shaw to do his entire original score.
  5. Aions

    I've asked Ted Timmins for an interview - got any questions?

    I know that Russell has Re-mixed the whole of the Fable OST for the HD release but did he get Danny Elfman to re do his original intro? And or will he?
  6. Aions

    Favourite 'Broken' Game

    super mario 64 and Oblivion
  7. Aions

    Playstation 4 Owns Xbox One

    From what i get, Xbox one is trying to be like steam when it comes to game sharing. Always on internet is BS Its $100 more then Ps4 :/
  8. Aions

    Fable 1 remake! Lionhead released teaser today!

    Thank god, that was one my my biggest concerns
  9. Aions

    Possible Achievements

    Get all in game trophies all the silver keys all the d-doors open all legendary weps (including the frying pan!) I could go on really.... lol
  10. Aions

    New Tomb Raider anyone?

    I loved it. I cant wait for this series re-boot to really take off.
  11. Aions

    Games you currently own

    way to many to list...
  12. Aions

    What does your desktop look like! #3

    holy **** cool thx
  13. Aions

    Netflix hidden jems

    I got American netflix now and its like 4x better then Canadian
  14. Aions

    Great gamer channels on Youtube

    Vsace3 http://www.youtube.com/user/Vsauce3 game grumps http://www.youtube.com/user/GameGrumps?feature=chclk
  15. Aions

    Playing Morrowind for first time soon.

    The first Elderscrolls game i ever played was Morrowind, fell in love with it. Oblivion came out and blew my mind - made Morrowind unplayable (fast travel, blocking and no more missing) Skyrim took some getting use to but now that save file is my baby - Oblivion now unplayable i go through...