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Great gamer channels on Youtube


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
If you're a gamer you'll love these channels if you haven't already known them.

The Angry Joe Show- One of the best sources of game reviews out there. He reviews game in the opposite fashion focusing on what makes the game suck, but still fair. If a game gets a high rating from this guy then you know it's good. He is very funny too.Be sure to check out his Top 32 reasons why Fable 3 sucks.

RachulMoore- Does alot of top 10 videos. She is not some dumb girl who pretends to like games so guys will watch her, she is probably more of a gamer then you are.

AlphaOmegaSin- This guy is cool, discusses gaming news in general. Very informative so you find things out you wouldn't have before.

But yah when it comes to gaming these are the peeps I go too.
I like AngryJoe, he seems like a cool guy. I'm not really a fan of his work, but I like that he's honest, doesn't pull any punches, and not overly opinionated. Felt bad for him during that Geoff Keighley interview. :( He talked about it on his channel, for those whom care to look.

Meh favourite channels:

0utatime: He's working on a Resident Evil 3-inspired campaign for Left 4 Dead 2, and I let out a little nerdgasm every time he posts a gameplay update.

Bombergames: I think the project has been closed now, but I'm counting the days until a new Streets of Rage Remake video hits my vidyabox.

GoogleWebmasterHelp: Sometimes, Matt Cutts' Q&A videos regarding SEO can be interesting.

Sonic 2 HD: Hasn't been any updates in a long, long time. :(
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Not really a YouTuber per say (though he started out as one) but I'ma gonna include James Rolfe AKA The Angry Video Game Nerd here.


Screw modern game reviews, ranting and raving at ****ty retro games is where it's at, people! Joking aside, James is a pretty cool guy and he does lots of fun stuff besides AVGN as well. Well worth checking out.
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Despite his name, he doesn't solely do reviews. He mainly tackles retro games and hardware, but does a good share of modern games as well. I love his laid back yet very witty approach, plus his videos are often greatly educational without being all boring and mundane. Bonus points for him having an enjoyable voice and super epic beard.
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AlChestBreach - Just a fella' no one's mentioned yet. His Let's Plays are pretty decent and a good laugh.

GameSocietyFilms - From their Christopher Walkenthroughs, to their Skyrim For Pimps - this channel is pure gold. Check out their Skyrim For Pimps videos and lol hard.

HalfALP - Better known as cheezMcNASTY to folks round here. He's got himself a fully completed playthrough of Dino Crisis on there - so check it out.

OfficialDuckStudios - Crude, filthy humour as far as the eye can see. Check out his Skyrim stuff.
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Reactions: Steve and Zarkes

Doesn't do reviews, but does do Let's Plays which are far more interesting anyway. He usually does 4X games which are heavy strategy games like Civilizations. That could - nay - should be incredibly boring, but his commentary is really good which makes them very entertaining to watch and listen to. I discoevered him watching his Let's Play of Endless Space which he totally sold to me; I bought the game after watching his Let's Play.

Scan through his playlists and if you spot a game that you're interested in, bloody go for it! You shan't be disappointed.
TheRussianBadger: Does a lot of BF3 and is pretty humorous, plays like a beast on the games he plays too.

AngryJoeshow: This guy is not only hilarious but very informative also, he puts a lot of time and effort into his reviews and keeps his videos entertaining.

Magemasher22: Does a lot of lets plays and just has a likeable personality.

Alchestbreach: Been watching this guy for about two years now and he never fails to make me laugh, does some really entertaining videos and playthroughs.