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  • Last I checked you don't get any bonuses for importing an insanity playthrough, so why?
    That's the thing, though. It might be fun to be an unstoppable badass, but what's the point when you can't break **** with your mind/blow the **** out of everything your opponent is carrying by throwing spinny doom disks at them?

    I mean, you're a soldier because it's easier... but you play Insanity because it's harder? Or am I missing something here?
    Yes, that is the point. No offense meant, but they are the easiest class, just because they can take so much damage and hit so hard.
    What? No. I really could care less about achievements. They do nothing for me.

    I should say, though. Of course you didn't die on Feros. You were playing as a soldier. Soldiers are ****ing tanks.
    I did get around to checking. My Vanguard is on hardcore.

    But my point stands. Killing the ****ers is easy with my glorious powers. The problem is that krogan can STILL beat you down within seconds if you let them. The key is not letting them.

    Thorian creepers are pains in the ass, too. I just did Feros. ****ers killed me more than once because I let one slip by and start puking. At one point they killed me three times in a row because I got too far ahead, the Asari clone knocked me down with throw, and then two or three creepers vomited poison right through my shields.
    No, they don't. Biotics and tech powers tear them apart quite handily. So do shotguns.

    With the partial exception of ****ing krogan battlemasters. On the other hand, a little while after my last message to you, I went, sat down, and dropped everyone in that room in under ten minutes. Admittedly, most of that was spent chipping away at the krogan, but I suspect you'd take about the same amount of time with your soldier.

    And it'd be more boring.
    Where's the fun in that? I prefer to be able to break **** with my magical powers, be they magical I-just-threw-you-across-the-room-with-my-brain powers or magical I-just-blew-up-your-weapon-and-fried-your-shields powers.

    Infiltrator and Vanguard and Sentinel are my favorites. Coincidentally, those are every class I've played. Vanguard in 1, Sentinel in 2, Infiltrator in both.
    Vanguard, and no idea. I started the game a looong time ago. Just started playing again. I do remember that I had trouble with this part the first time around, too. Stupid battlemaster is too good at the beatdown.

    Er... okay.
    I'll take that as a "no, how could you think I was that stupid," shall I?


    Me, I'm trying to finish a 3rd ME1 playthrough. And the stupid ***** keeps getting beat down by the Battlemaster at the end of the "Recruit Liara" mission.
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