I'm doing very well......Wait that's a lie. =P I just got over the flu so that's a plus. Then a couple days ago I dropped my new 32GB, itouch 3g in a puddle of water(for only 3 secs too :/), can't imagine how I even dropped it btw, tried drying it off with a blow dryer, having it sit in a bowl of rice(I've heard this is good to draw moisture lol whatever I'm desperate.), took it apart with my repair tool and it all came to naught. This all happened too after my warranty was expired lol F my life...

So i'm still down about that. Don't mean to unload, but you asked

and thanks for asking too btw. My friend said I can find them pretty cheap on amazon and ebay so things are looking up, but I'm sorry I didn't ask how you were?