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  • Oh Del is a nickname I've had for years and years now. I quite prefer it to my natural name. ><
    And yes, I'm willing to bet that the only reason they're popular is because they can preform on stage even though they're music is meh.
    I don't mind, but you can call me Del if it makes you feel better. xD
    And definitely Disturbed. Slipknot is way too overrated for me.
    LOL - swine flu...you should totally play up on that :lol:

    If you want your name changed just ask any member of staff and they can do it for you - so long as the name doesn't already exist, of course :D
    Aw, that sucks. I hope you feel better.
    Try drinking really hot water with lemon, that usually does the trick.
    Really? Anything interesting? I miss school dramatics...I went to an all-girl's school and it was uber bitchy :lol:
    Sucks being sick - I think I drank some sour milk earlier and now I feel crappy too...

    You need to hide your soda - or booby trap it so your brother gets a nasty shock if he tries to drink it...
    It's called Friendly's actually. It's a restaurant but I'm trapped in the carry-out part so all I do is the ice cream. I've only been working there for about a month, but yea it really sucks. >.o
    I'm already looking for a new job and working on getting my driver's license. I've been really lazy about that. ^^;
    Seriously. Well I started working at 15 so you've got a while to go. You're in Washington, right? I'm not sure how it works over there.
    Ah bummer, that sucks. See, this is why I have a job but you're not old enough to work (anywhere legal, at least.) >.o
    Nice! Yea, you should totally buy them. Craigslist has some really awesome deals. ^^
    Oh no...you not haz ze Swine Flu, right? o.O; *puts on surgical mask and showers in Purel*
    Oh that's quite alright. Technically I could call you Lovez because that's part of your username too. ;D
    How are you?
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