Alright, I just thought I'd throw my opinion in. Nothing against how you run the place or the prizes you give.
I could make my own custom title picture if you would rather? Or would you rather only contest winners recieved them? Either way, if you were to provide me with the .PSD (I forgot where you posted it), I'd gladly save you the hassle of doing mine if you would offer me one.
They are pointless, yes, but I think they look a lot better than just plain text, hence I'd rather like one. If I don't get one, eh, not the end of the world.
Sorry for going off a bit on you mate, the past few days have been a bit strange for me (Won't go into it) and it's left me in a state where I tend to overreact a tad. I'd say it's a period, but I don't have the female genitalia to show for it.