A Few Retextures(Release)
Hi There Guys, I tried to match Dark Archon's Armor to Some cool dark retexture weapons Let me know what you think
For Archon's Armor i got it from droodeds retexture on http://forums.projectego.net/request-weapon-armour-3520/page6/
a long time ago. it was his Rhaidal Retexture. Which had some problems. All i did was make his gold trim, Black or dark.
I did not color the main armor it self.
So Really most of the credit on the armor goes to Drooded and his awesome texture.
Dark Black Retext for
Archon's Armor
Tears Of Avo Sword
Archon's Crossbow
Skorms Bow
And Master Broadsword, ( I think thats what its called)
*New* Blood Set
Hi There Guys, I tried to match Dark Archon's Armor to Some cool dark retexture weapons Let me know what you think
For Archon's Armor i got it from droodeds retexture on http://forums.projectego.net/request-weapon-armour-3520/page6/
a long time ago. it was his Rhaidal Retexture. Which had some problems. All i did was make his gold trim, Black or dark.
I did not color the main armor it self.
So Really most of the credit on the armor goes to Drooded and his awesome texture.
Dark Black Retext for
Archon's Armor
Tears Of Avo Sword
Archon's Crossbow
Skorms Bow
And Master Broadsword, ( I think thats what its called)
*New* Blood Set