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Admit it, what parts of the game made you jump? *spoilers*

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
Okay, I admit, I'm a very jumpy person when it comes to video games. The infamous Winter Lodge from Fable II? I almost had a heart attack right there and then.

So what parts of the game made you jump?

For me, there was one after opening the Millfields demon door. I was just thinking that the huge web looked like it could belong to an even huger spider, then there was this sudden screech just before I got out of the door. Terrifying!

The first time I went to the Sanctuary while in the temple of Aurora. It was so downright disturbing to see my lovely Sanctuary in disarray, with puddles of darkness and no Jasper. You just knew something was wrong when Jasper wasn't there!

Oh, and those damn Balverines make me jump EVERY single time. You can guarantee one little git will sneak behind me and suddenly growl, and it gives me the shivers.
I wouldn't say I jumped, but when the Hollow Man shed his scarecrow disguise at the Mourningwood Fort mortar range (When I first visited it as part of the story) I laughed aloud. Hollow Men have a sense of humor, it seems.
Sometimes the sand furies and their sudden freaky screams caught me off guard in Aurora...
I was horrified the first time (and second, and third, and fourth. Probably fifth too) that I entered that Demon Door in Fable II. There was moment like that in Fable III but I can't really remember it anymore...

Oh, the Darkness infested Sanctuary was pretty disturbing as well, as was the whole travel through that abyss of darkness temple was. And oh, poor Walter when he was being like eaten by the Darkness... and when he was possessed by the Crawler. Damn it, why were the writers so damn mean to Walter?
Dont think anything got me to jump. Walter getting snatched might have if it wasnt so telegraphed. I think any shock moments where too obviously set up to get an effective shock from me this time round.
I've never jumped or gotten scared in any of the Fable games. I'm not exactly sure how anyone else could either...

I guess it's all those years of watching horror movies that made me pretty resistant.

I will admit though... bugs, spiders, etc. crawling on me freak me the hell out.
I've never jumped or gotten scared in any of the Fable games. I'm not exactly sure how anyone else could either...

I guess it's all those years of watching horror movies that made me pretty resistant.

I will admit though... bugs, spiders, etc. crawling on me freak me the hell out.

Yeah, all those teenage years of seeing the cruel torture and sadism of gore-fest horror films have kinda Made Me desensitized to scary moments too.
Hah, like I said, I'm a massive wuss when it comes to video game surprises.

I was close to wetting myself in the Terry Cotta's army bit back in Fable II.
I've never jumped or gotten scared in any of the Fable games. I'm not exactly sure how anyone else could either...

I guess it's all those years of watching horror movies that made me pretty resistant.

I will admit though... bugs, spiders, etc. crawling on me freak me the hell out.

Its less being scared, more just shock. The Winter Lodge got me in F2 because I wasnt expected it, the sudden shift just caught me totally off guard. Its that more then really scary stuff that gets me, generally because I'm so rarely suprised by things.

Some of the Bandit ambushes in Fable 2 came out of nowhere too, and that always gave me an adrenaline kick. I dont think anything really sneaks out of nowhere in Fable 3, with the exception of some mercs on quests, but then because their scripted your expecting them at regular intervals so it doesnt really suprise you.

I dont think Fable 3 had any real suprises in its story. Even the whole "Logan isnt really evil" thing wasnt that much of a suprise after your trip to Aurora and the revelation that Logan knew of the darkness.
I've never been scared in a fable game, but when i played fallout 3 for the first time and wandered into the Dunwich building(infested with ghouls) It was creepy to say the least, especially when you're playing in the dark and don't have your pip-boy light on! :D
I've never been scared in a fable game, but when i played fallout 3 for the first time and wandered into the Dunwich building(infested with ghouls) It was creepy to say the least, especially when you're playing in the dark and don't have your pip-boy light on! :D

Yeah now that You mention it, The Dunwich building was pretty fecking creepy.
Admittedly it's hard to be surprised by a mercenary attack when they're hanging in mid air for a good two seconds before they land and attack.

Oh Fable. Don't change.
Winter's Lodge definitely made me jump halfway off the couch the first time I went there. I love it when a game does that to me, lol. And I can't say i jumped, but it was a constant deeply-disturbed feeling whenever the Crawler would make a brief appearance in F3. His "tainted broken little toys" speech bothers me... Oh yeah, and back to F2, during the Chesty quest, that creepy little house with the treasure chest in it with all the perfectly-preserved dead people with warped faces; very wrong.
Oh yeah, and back to F2, during the Chesty quest, that creepy little house with the treasure chest in it with all the perfectly-preserved dead people with warped faces; very wrong.
I actually beat the quest before opening the door. I was looking for treasure and saw the door closed, and I kinda stumbled in and it was too dark to see. There was this white curtainy cobweb thing blocking half the room from my view so I turned the camera and the banshee screeched just when I saw the bodies. Freaked me out.

Incidentally, Winter lodge? Don't remember it. But the Balverines just outside the cabin leading to the corrupt demon door caught me off guard and freaked me out for a second.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who got freaked right out by the winter lodge! I thought I was just being a baby. I think it was the pleasant anticipation of getting to enter and possibly live in such a warm, Christmas-y house, combined with the sudden flash to a completely cold, dark, dead place that got me. Monsters I can handle, but I've never done well with the dark and supernatural.

Which is why the Crawler got to me too - it didn't make me jump, but the entire time from where you start hearing the voices and seeing the rising puddles of goo until you finally pass out in the desert I was at least moderately disturbed. Lionhead did a very good job in creating a claustrophobic, gnawing sort of fear in that temple. Walter's reaction is what really freaked me out though, because he's usually pretty brave - I was worried about him and not just myself, which upped the anxiety level. If you're able to use your imagination and put yourself in the situation, the utter darkness is very disturbing...
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