Hang on.... Berthesda have released more DLC for Oblivion than they've released for Fable II and III combined. Your argument doesn't make sense.
Sorry, I wasn't implying that Berthesda or Oblivion didn't release extra content. I was trying to make the point that games like Oblivion are SO big that adding DLC for new areas can be redundant (at least to me). When a game is as large as Oblivion is, and it takes forever to see everything in the initial release, whats the point in adding extra things? Whereas Fable, being short and sweet, when Lionhead releases something new for it, its exciting and anticipated (at least by those who didn't hate it) and we can jump right into the new content because we aren't still running around discovering old content.
Its honestly a matter of personal preference, I'm just sick of hearing complaints about ALL video games and people assuming that its easy to make these things or that its easy to please large numbers of people. I can't even count how many threads have been posted recently saying it would be "SO EASY" for Lionhead to change this or that, and its not easy. It takes time, it takes effort.
Also, I am not a big fan of comparing one game to another. Fable is what it is. Oblivion is a completely different game, so one expects it to be larger or smaller, more quests, less quests, more or less choices, etc. I understand the disappointment that some people have, and I'm all for intelligent discussion, I just feel most of these threads ultimately degrade into people whining about how they hate the game, and they wasted money, and blah blah blah (NOT implying this thread or you were doing that, just stating an opinion)
I respect that ideal that you wish Fable was bigger, that the world had more to explore and your choices weren't so black and white. However, I respectfully disagree. I think Fable has a good story and was satisfied with what it had to offer. I'd much rather have 5-6 shorter games and play them for variety, than spend hours upon hours upon days trying to discover everything about a game as huge as Oblivion.