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And finally, it happens to someone close to me


Pokémon Master
Aug 1, 2009
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And finally, it happens to someone close to me

Whether it's a drunk driving accident or alcohol poisoning, whether the people involved live or die, we all hear about tragic stories involving alcohol and we think, "Oh, that'll never happen to me or the people around me." On Monday night, it finally did.

It started when I came back inside from mowing my front lawn at about 8:00. I had a missed call from my friend Michael. I called him back and he told me to grab the keys to my mom's car and come outside. I did so, and he said that these three guys we know, Jake, Nate, and Parker, were out drinking. Jake is one of my best friends. Nate and Parker, not so much. Michael said that Jake had been getting extremely smashed and that they saw some family nearby who knew they were drinking, and were on the phone calling the police.

I raced over to them to pick them up (Michael stayed behind with his bike), and when I got there, a couple was literally holding the highly intoxicated Jake down on a bench while Nate and Parker were trying to get him up and get him out of there before the cops showed up. I intervened and was able to get Jake up. With Nate's help, we brought him out to the parking lot where my car was. During our walk out, Jake could barely walk, he began to cry for no reason at all, and the couple was following us. I had no idea where I was going to take him either. I would have taken him home eventually, but I didn't get the chance to. The cops pulled into the parking lot as we arrived there.

We had to let Jake down on the ground where he finally passed out moments later. One cop called an ambulance for him while the other took down all of our information (name, birthday, phone number, address, etc.) Afterward, one of the cops rolled Jake over on his side so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit if he puked again, and then he had to continually make sure he was still breathing throughout the rest of the ordeal. Nate and Parker had to take breathalyzer tests, and obviously, they didn't do well. I didn't have to take one though. I suppose after seeing many drunk teenagers, they can tell when someone's actually sober. However, I was tasked with calling Jake's parents while Nate and Parker had to call their own parents to come pick them up. It was very strange and awkward. All I said was, "John? This is Matt. A police officer would like to talk to you." Then I gave the phone to one of the officers and told him it was Jake's dad. I had to sit there through almost everything else. I watched as Parker and Nate's parents came to get them, and I was there when Jake's parents showed up to find him passed out on the pavement. His mom just wanted to make sure he was alright. His dad, on the other hand, looked extremely angry at first. He seemed to calm down after a little while though, and thanked me for calling. Finally, I was told I could leave. I drove away as the ambulance arrived and the stretcher was pulled out.

Next, I didn't know what the hell to do. I just went back to meet Michael to tell him everything that had happened. After we had been talking for a little while, Brian (FableFreak) showed up (He had called me earlier and asked if we could hang out). We told him everything that had happened as well. We hung out, talked some more, and eventually, Michael had to leave. Once he got home, and he was without any friends to talk to, the panic set in. Jake is his absolute best friend. The two of them are as close and Brian and I. And to make matters worse, Michael has fairly severe OCD. This caused him uncontrollable panic, anxiety, and irrationality. He called me several times saying that he thought Jake would die, and he was obviously on the verge of tears if he wasn't crying already. As it got worse, the irrationality set in. He began saying things like, "Let's go get Jake!" even though he knew that Jake was in the hospital. It was like talking to a drunk person without the slurred speech. I was legitimately more worried for him than for Jake at this point. He's completely unpredictable when he gets like this. I didn't want him to do anything irrational and extreme like hurt himself. He's been close to doing it before. Over the phone, I eventually got him to lay down and try to sleep. He stayed awake for at least another hour having uncontrollable thoughts about all kinds of different things that could have been happening to Jake, but he eventually dozed off.

The next morning, I got a call from Jake. He was home, but as you can probably guess, he felt like sh*t. He asked me what had happened the night before, and I told him that I would come by later with Michael and we would explain everything to him. I met Michael at his house later, and we walked over to Jake's. Jake walked outside when we got there and said with a smile on his face, "Crazy night, dude. I can't even remember it at all." I told him he wouldn't be smiling if he knew what happened. We went inside and told him everything. He was overcome with guilt for everything he caused. We talked a little bit more, but then Michael and I left to let Jake get some rest. At least we knew he was alright.


Edible in some countries
Jan 6, 2007
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

jesus christmas man! i've had some bad experiences with alcohol, but that's a ****ing topper and a half.

A.) what were they doing getting completely smashed in broad daylight?
B.) did that poor kid have to get his stomach pumped?


Jun 28, 2009
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

I'm sorry bro.

At least he made it out alive, to change his life styles before he gets into a car crash and doesn't make it out.


Jun 8, 2010
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

Man, sounds like you and your friends had a rough night.

But like Sean said, at least he made it out alive. And now he knows better, and can change.

Purple Nurple

<img src="http://forums.projectego.net/images/rank
Jul 12, 2008
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

Seriously, let them know how stupid they were. Getting paralytically drunk in broad daylight in public (let alone any other time) is an extremely immature and thoughtless action by them (lol, me giving a lesson on maturity.Yeah, right.). The fact that Jake was laughing about it the next morning (I know he can't remember, but still, laughing about how drunk you got is what douchebag fratboys do. Don't be one of them.) emphasises how you really need to drill in the fact that he needs to watch it. Seriously, (sorry for doing this) this sort of stuff DOES (I know from personal experience.) lead to other problems which will arise.

On a more touching note, it's good to see that he's fine now, but I really recommend letting him know.Think, if all of them were that drunk, no-one would have phoned you, they all could have ended up in hospital, or someone could have died. Even you said Michael was acting crazy, what do you think he would have done if you weren't there to reassure him?


Look at me still talking when theres science to do
Dec 28, 2006
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

And this, my friends, is why I don't drink.

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

Getting this drunk makes you quickly realise your own limits and learn to calm it down. Shame some people do this sort of thing a lot before they start to see a problem but hopefully he wont be tempted to re-enact this anytime soon. Ive seen instances like this many many times and ive been stupidly drunk many times too (mainly due to getting carried away with celebrations) just teaches you a lesson and at least no-one was seriously hurt.


Pokémon Master
Aug 1, 2009
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

cheezMcNASTY;404519 said:
A.) what were they doing getting completely smashed in broad daylight?

They're not too bright sometimes about their time and location sometimes. I've been this way before too, but at least I learned when and where a good time and place is by now. And it even would have been fine if Jake just got a little buzzed instead, but, y'know, he didn't.

cheezMcNASTY;404519 said:
B.) did that poor kid have to get his stomach pumped?

Probably. The only ones who would remember that would be his parents, and it'd be kind of weird asking them about it.

Purple Nurple;404563 said:
The fact that Jake was laughing about it the next morning (I know he can't remember, but still, laughing about how drunk you got is what douchebag fratboys do. Don't be one of them.) emphasises how you really need to drill in the fact that he needs to watch it.

Still, he understood the severity of it after it was all explained to him. He really wouldn't have been smiling if he knew. Just the thought of alcohol makes him want to puke now. He said he's not drinking for a long time.


To End All
Aug 11, 2009
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

This could of been worse then it was. ALot worse. We all see those movies where the worst char in the whole movie is the drunk guy that just cant seem to let go.. Some people can get really bad while others can drink a bottle of vodka and drive home safely. If you dont like seeing your friend passed out and does not even know who you are, Then let him know. Tell him you dont like to see him like that. A good friend can help another friend from doing stupid things..
Just hope he listens lol.


Feb 1, 2010
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

I've got some stories. I'll try to cut them down because they'd be really long if not. I hope your friends are okay Necro :)

Alright so there was this girlfriend I had about 2 years ago whos parents were really close to this other family. That other family had a son, Justin. Rachel (my ex) and Justin had known each other since almost birth. One night, Justin went out with friends and got very very drunk. It was around 1am when his friends had to take off and they had offered him money for a taxi or bus ride. He decided he'd take the train instead. He was waiting at the train station and (I think you know where this is going :S) he didn't feel good. He was facing away from the train tracks, but he turned around and began to throw up on the tracks. Until, well, the train came. He was announced dead the next morning and the train had hit him so hard they couldn't identify his face, that had been...seperated from his body. (I'm trying to make this the cleanest possible, it was a lot more gory). Rachel called me the next morning, and then she told me everything. The police had to wait till the next Monday to see the cameras (dunno why) and confirmed that he was in fact...decapitated. He was very irresponsible, but he was a teenager. I blame his friends more for not assisting him.

Another time my Uncle had drank a lot and passed out only to wake up in his throw-up and weakly ask my 9yr old cousin for help. He ran up stairs to get his mom (my aunt) and she came downstairs along with one of the guests she had over who had training with these kind of situations. My cousin was crying a lot and screaming seing his father unable to get up. I brought him upstairs and my mother called the cops. An ambulance came and brought him to the hospital and he's alright now. I've noticed my cousin and him a lot closer now because they used to fight a lot. I'm glad he's alright.

Damm, the things alcohol can do to someone.


Just plain talented!
Feb 7, 2009
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

Sh*t, at least he's alright. I've had some pretty insane experiences with alcohol (one even involved a friend falling off a roof... That was more funny than anything) but this sounds bad.

At least he learnt from what he did.


Amateur Human
Premium Legend
Jun 23, 2008
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Re: And finally, it happens to someone close to me

That sucks ****, well at least they are okay.