Whether or not the nazi party believed in what they were saying about christianity is fairly irrelevant. The fact that they used it to justify their actions is a misuse of religion by itself. In fact, I think I might even consider it to be a worse misuse of religion if they didn't believe in what they were saying because that would mean that they were being intentionally deceptive. Also, this can go for many groups and situations, not just for the nazis and the Holocaust.The problem for your confusion is that Hitler "claimed" to be a Christian in some of his speeches and some Nazi's have "connections" to the so called church. Well, I hate to point out the obvious but Hitler was politician (and a very good one at that) and they all tend to speak out of both sides of their mouth to convince their mindless hoard of followers. Many people in general tend to do that to justify their actions.
As for the whole "No religion = no excuses" argument is just wrong. Any group (religious, political, etc) can be dangerous purely because of the threat of group mentality. All you need is one wacko with some horrible ideas but who is charismatic enough to make them sound good and then s*** hits the fan.
This is why I don't like politicians.
I'm not saying that people would have no excuse for causing terrible world events if it weren't for religion. I'm just saying that some people might have not found an excuse for what they did if religion wasn't around, and certain events could have been avoided.
I enjoy arguments and debates . . . I hope im not upseting any of you.
Don't worry about it. I'm the same way.