Conquerer of Albion
Hey Guys,
If you have clocked Fable TLC before and trying to get a good replay value back from it I would recommend this cause' I found it quite fun.
Once you've done all the guild training and you have the opportunity to do queen bee quest, Don't. Just level up. and I mean level up. Purchase magic shield and go get massive multiplyers becuase it's seriously easy. Just enter and area and kill off everything, go to next area then go back again. Repeating the prosess over and over makes it easy to get awesome skills in less than an hour or two. By the time you are facing the queen bee you might giggle insanley. Not to mention from then on to Twinblade.
Keep using master potions when you have 20X+ multipliers so keep your eyes open for them. They are just legend. By the time your at Hook Coast you should pretty much have mastered everything...and everyone.
...It Reminds me of the day Oakvale Burned!!!-Jack of Blades
Hey Guys,
If you have clocked Fable TLC before and trying to get a good replay value back from it I would recommend this cause' I found it quite fun.
Once you've done all the guild training and you have the opportunity to do queen bee quest, Don't. Just level up. and I mean level up. Purchase magic shield and go get massive multiplyers becuase it's seriously easy. Just enter and area and kill off everything, go to next area then go back again. Repeating the prosess over and over makes it easy to get awesome skills in less than an hour or two. By the time you are facing the queen bee you might giggle insanley. Not to mention from then on to Twinblade.

...It Reminds me of the day Oakvale Burned!!!-Jack of Blades