Re: Doctor Who: Season 5
I am not gonna lie - I haven't liked the new series's that much of Doc Who. I can remember watching the old (and admittedly, quite terrible.) Doc Who's and I found them fascinating. I actually have no memory of me being more scared than an old Doc Who with the Autons.
But I watch the new ones, mainly for sentimental value, and because I like David Tennant.
The new episode was awesome. Matt Smith is actually a quite good actor, and I thought the plot was solid enough.
One massive issue I have with the new series is the Daleks. Ok, so the Cult of Skaro survived and used Timelord technology to transport a whole load of other Daleks into the world. And then they got pwned by the Doctor. Then Davros (wtf!!!!) comes back, under control of the Emporer Dalek (wtf!!!) and somehow has loads of other Daleks. Then the Doc pwned them. So statistically, there should be no more daleks left in the universe. But somehow there are.
Dear Doc Who,
We get it. The Daleks and the Cybermen are the two most iconic bad guys, but reallllly? Must you resurrect them from the ashes of their scattered and Timewarped bodies every time? Why cant you just say, actually, no. The Timewar didn't kill all the Daleks, we lied. Suck it.
Good day.
P.s I still love you.
tl;dr: Watch Doc Who. It is awesome.