Re: Dreams of yours..
ok i got one now. last night i had a real freaky weird dream.
i was part of a team sent to investigate the "greenlight house", a huge old mansion shrowded in mystery. we quickly learned why it was called the greenlight house, cuz there was a strange green mist or dust in the air, also, all the lights and electrical devises worked perfectly and the house was undamaged. the rooms seemed to go on forever and i eventually got separated from the rest of my team. eventually i found a few members of a secound team sent by another agency (apparently i was some sort of agent.....) and i joined them, cuz be damned if i was gonna go it alone, this place was creepy. the creepyest thing was we found a few bodies of the former inhabitants who seemed to have died during normal activites, like sleeping or watching tv, no sign of struggle or violence, just dead. the tv was still on, dispite all the ages the house was empty, and the bodies appeared to have died very recently, although we knew they had been dead for years. eventually my new team mate and i found our way out (our groups kept splitting up, and some people could not resist the urge to watch the tv or start taking things. but the guy i was with was as freaked out as me, yet we kept cool and were focused on getting the hell out). about that time i woke up, quite weirded out.
i fell asleep again, and all i remember dreaming was being somewhere else, but telling someone about my visit to the "greenlight house".