whenever it is set, make it so we have to go tame our pet instead of a crummy dog, then everyone will have alot more differances between games, and the legendary weapons if they return need to be legendary, not obviously random morphs. and i want to be able to put my weapons away and go fisty cuffs with some cool throws and maybe somekind of combo system with attacks. also 4 player please! more wildlife in rural areas and finaly make being evil TRULY EVIL i miss my horns and red mist beneath my feet.
also lets go to the poles, snow trolls and other dangerous gits could be there untouched by humans have a few scattered tribe type people dotted around and it might sound stupid but I WANT TO SIT ON MY BLOODY THROWN WHEN I WANT TO, and any other chair type object
also lets go to the poles, snow trolls and other dangerous gits could be there untouched by humans have a few scattered tribe type people dotted around and it might sound stupid but I WANT TO SIT ON MY BLOODY THROWN WHEN I WANT TO, and any other chair type object