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Fable Fortune

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
Staffordshire England
We dont have a section for this (yet) but will move it there when we have finalised the layout & @Steve Powell has finished his new design. However here is 17mins of footage from Fable Fortune...

EDIT* Made Fable Fortune section and moved thread.​
I've played it a few times. Having not played CCGs in the past I found it really easy to pick up and fun too. There seems to be a lot of depth in the game and a TON of fable deliciousness! Music, Characters, Villains etc
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An "administration hiccup" on Xbox One has delayed Fable Fortune's Early Access release

Hello Heroes,

Due to an unexpected administration hiccup we are unfortunately unable to launch the Xbox One version of Fable Fortune next week and we’ve made the decision to move the launch date back to July 25th on all platforms.

This is to make sure Fable Fortune releases on PC and Xbox simultaneously, so we can make the most of cross-play between the platforms. Sadly this is an unavoidable slip, however the PC beta is still rolling and we will be giving away more keys over the next few weeks. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook!

That’s the last time we let Hobbes into the office!

Thank you for your patience,

The Fable Fortune Team

So the early access is public? Should try it out for sure then. Not that into card games, but Fable might change my mind.

It's a decent card game! I haven't tried PvP or Co-Op (yet), but training might be hit or miss. The Guildmaster is very challenging if you've never played a card game before. However, it is pretty good for figuring out how each hero in addition to the moral system. They also rotate out their events every 10 days, and everyone will be reset to level 1 for balancing.

They give you experience for every win or defeat, and they'll give you additional cards. It's very, very doable to win with your current cards, so you won't feel the need to buy a decent deck to actually perform. Plus, the game gives you opportunities to earn new cards. The card duplicates are given after each match, but if you want hero oriented cards, you'll have to open your fortune pack.

Overall, I'm having a blast. I gave my spare key to my sister (she's a Fable fan too) to try co-op today. The developers did recommend doing co-op to learn the ropes of the game. I have no qualms with grouping up with anyone if they want to do co-op on Steam!
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Sorry for the double post but I forgot to mention the game has a free trial. You can play 5 games and see what you think.

It's a very charming CCG, easy to play and I'm not a huge fan of CCGs but I can see myself playing this a lot. Plus it has that classic Fable charm - what more could you want?
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Uh, I thought it was going to be free...? 13 EUR is not much though. I'll see about that trial.
I could've sworn it was going to be free too. I know that anyone that got accepted into the beta would be automatically granted the full version for free upon release. That's how I got my copy on Steam anyway.
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I never got into the beta to try it so... how is it?
It's pretty good actually, far as CCGs go. Balanced and fun. I still prefer Gwent as my go to for a card collecting fix, but Fortune's no slouch. It's a bit late to the CCG party though so it doesn't do a whole lot different or better than Gwent & Hearthstone, that said, it does carry a lot of what makes those games great also. It also has a co-op mode where you team against a boss AI, but I haven't tried it yet. The same charm and humor of classic Fable is all there and the art and music is excellent. I mean really, if you like CCGs and want some Fable injected into that, you won't be disappointed.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it has a price tag, that's it. Gwent is the best CCG I've ever played and yet it's free. There's no other sound reason to me why Fortune needs a price tag other than the devs really need the money. Either way, it comes down to "how much do you really love Fable?" If the price isn't an obstacle then I recommend it.
I could've sworn it was going to be free too. I know that anyone that got accepted into the beta would be automatically granted the full version for free upon release. That's how I got my copy on Steam anyway.

It was supposed to have gone free when it was to officially be released last year (as said on their FAQs on Steam). According to the store page, the game is still in Early Access, so it won't be free until later on. That's just an assumption, however, the Founder's Pack ($14.99 USD) is your admission. Which is a big Debbie Downer if you want to play the game now instead of later.
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Loving this game, really good fun but I'm struggling a bit against some really good decks, anyone got any tips on card's/ decks?? I usually play as shapeshifter