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Fable III improvements

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The Space Lord
May 17, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

It wouldn't be Fable at that point.

Kewl Munky

Active Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

Archeolog;300267 said:
I'm just typing in something that just popped into my mind, what if the next game would be in our present time? I know it would loose all the excitement and stuff like crossbows, swords and so on. But what if the game is in our present and all the modern stuff like machine guns, airplanes and so on wouldn't be in that present?

Fable is already a pretty watered down RPG. Setting an RPG in the present time is a really dull idea (I absolutely hated fallout 3. I was bored after 1 hour of play and haven't been on it since.) and if you make a watered down version of a boring idea it would be even worse.

I'd really love to see a game based between them, maybe only a couple decades or so after the first since I liked that time with the weapons and armor, but that would mess with the history behind fable 2. So the only logical way to go back in time would be to go to the old kingdom. You could play as the hero who becomes the archon and make the wish in the spire and whatnot.

500 years was way too far into the future. There were some key things that made Fable really enjoyable for all. A) it was a simple RPG (but a little too simple if you ask me) B) it had a nice cartoony look to it C) it was based in a time where all sorts of mythical ideas are based upon

P.S. Guns are fun but really ruin the whole idea of Fable in general.


Re: Fable III improvements

Check it,

Bring back old armor (like plate and stuff) along with new clothes
More hairstyles
BRING BACK HERO GUILD (like you start a new hero guild)
Travel out side of albion
your children grow up past 5
Jack of Blades return? maybe even hero of oakvale somehow comes back? epic showdown!?!?! just a thought
More variety in landscape (like more open not so narrow)
No loading screens would be cool
Briar smoking pipes for your character (would be pimpppp)
Dont set Fable to much further in the future, it would lose its whole fantasy feel
Cooler appearance for Good (halo is alright but like c'mon evil gets horns and green glowing eyes) Like flowers grow from the ground we touch, some type of makeshift wings, or like have a bunch of woodland critters gather around us, birds on our heads and stuff.
Cooler looking weapons (like how twinblades swords looked)
Make grinding money with professions faster
Bring back Hero's in general
Jack of blades, Queen of Blades, King of Blades Quest? like travel to their origin and defeat them or something.
what if Rose became like the theresa in Fable 1, like she becomes blind but she can see the future and she is a badass killer.
Quest to find out complete history of Old Kingdom like travel back in time but as yourself.
Learn more about the bloodline
deeper, longer story
dont make albion to tech savy, less is more
anything more than this i feel like fable would become a rip off of WoW
thats all i really got maybe ill come up with more later!



May 21, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

Fable III seriously needs a heap of polish, looking at the amount of glitches in Fable II...uh, it sends a shiver down my spine.
I am going to kill all people who say things like:
"Pet Dragons" "scimitars, dual-wielded short-swords, saws, pole-arms, staffs, flails, etc (you make it sound like you want Diablo)" "Open World" *this is not Elder Scrolls* etc etc
Seriously its people like you who ruin what an original game really is.
Seriously its people like you who ruin what an original game really is.
Seriously its people like you who ruin what an original game really is.

There, is the message across? No wait,

Seriously its people like you who ruin what an original game really is.



Re: Fable III improvements

I think Fable 3 should have more animals, cows, more than 1 dog, wolfes and maybe a horse.

I would also like to see some sea combat, during the early stages of Fable II development there was talk of boats, I wouldn't mind sailing my own little boat and boarding pirate ships.

And for god sakes, remove the blackned screen :p


Re: Fable III improvements

i want a ninja outfit

i also would like animals to ride on

Evil Scarecrow

Da Evilist MaPhucca
Nov 18, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

to be honest, i dont think they should make a fable III, instead they should keep making downloadable content for fable II

Fabled Ravrn

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

This is where I agree/disagree with you. I don't have Live ;)


The Space Lord
May 17, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

Who says you can't have a Fable game with more than 6-7 types of weapons?
If you can have 50 million types of clothing styles, why not finish it off with a bunch of different weapon styles? This isn't me trying to rip off of Diablo, it's my opinion of what makes RPG's cool.

Fabled Ravrn

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

Customizatio nis what appeals to me. Selection as well.

If they made people their actual character in online multiplayer, instead of making you a henchman at the last second, this would GREATLY improve uniqueness, what I am all about ^_^


The Space Lord
May 17, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

Yeah, me too....have spent WAAY too long making cool outfits in my inventory...That's why I don't use the Daichi/RD combo, because EVERYONE uses it, and a custom game is a fun one....Hence why it'd be AWESOME to use other types of weapon choices(like the ones I posted earlier), because playing as a disgruntled farmer with a pickaxe would be epicwin.
Although people would be mad because there wold more than likely be nolegendary pickaxes or pitchforks(...etc) to trade to your buds for multi millions...

Fabled Ravrn

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

I think it would be cool to have unique items for every class, and multiple at that, but I just don't see a pitchfork class coming up :\. Maybe just a pitchfork and stuff.

And they should improve AI. In Fable, people did stuff, if it that was only lifting and moving crates across town. I saw early pics of Fable 2 with women gathering eggs from chicken coops and picking weeds.


Re: Fable III improvements

Evil Scarecrow;305469 said:
to be honest, i dont think they should make a fable III, instead they should keep making downloadable content for fable II

We're not gonna see a fable III for atleast another 3 years, I think we're gonna see a lot of DLC in the meantime. But I get your point, they're making money off the DLC anyway and they still have a lot of stories to tell.

Evil Scarecrow

Da Evilist MaPhucca
Nov 18, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

and, for people that dont have downloadable content, lion head should package heaps of it into a disc that you can buy and download to your hardrive for people that dont have Live, and to help stop bootlegging, make the disc only work once.


New Member
May 26, 2008
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Re: Fable III improvements

I think that the story will finally start from a rich family, not from a poor one... Anyway, I think it won't be too many years after fable 2 (not like 300-400 years from fable 1 to fable 2) but maybe something like 10-20 years, not really much. Probably you'll be a son of Fable 2's hero. I hope they will put an add-on to load your father/mother character from the fable 2's profile (for example: on Fable 2 you are good and strong, your father in fable 3 will be like him, same thing for a evil character)...
If I rode correctly, there will be something like 5-6 fable episodes, but I'm not sure


May 21, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

sirgage0;305476 said:
Who says you can't have a Fable game with more than 6-7 types of weapons?
If you can have 50 million types of clothing styles, why not finish it off with a bunch of different weapon styles? This isn't me trying to rip off of Diablo, it's my opinion of what makes RPG's cool.

If you watched the making of Fable II on LE one guy states : "We Had an idea of an Adventure RPG with no *Unpronounceable Weapons* and someone who's never played an RPG before can pick it up and play it without being confused."
He's indirectly saying that there should not be thousands of different types of weapons, like Diablo, or Morrowind.
Again why should Fable have to be a sheep to all RPG's? It should stay unique like it always has been!


A Pretty Cool Guy
Jun 20, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

- A longer storyline would be wonderful. I found Fable (original and TLC alike) and Fable II to be quite short. It would also be cool if the story tied in with the previous adventures more.

- One of the things I loved about Fable II was running through the world and stumbling upon places I recognized from Fable. I would like more of those moments.

- The ability to pick your race would be awesome as well. Create a white male or a black woman, it's up to you. to decide. A bit more customization when it comes to your character's physical appearance would be cool. Breast enhancement potions, anyone? :thumbsup: Heh heh.

- The ability to remove scars, perhaps by donating to the Temple of Light or whatever the next iteration of the Temple of Avo is. I hated getting scarred up in Fable II more than I hated dying in Fable. Really, Lionhead's decision to make it to where your penalty for getting knocked out in combat were scars and loss of experience made me and many other players try harder to stay in the fight.

- The return of armor ratings. I was reasonably irritated in Fable II when I found out that clothes didn't offer any sort of physical protection. They don't necessarily have to add armor in the next game, but it would be nice if clothes protected you at least a little protection from outside forces.

- Toughness to increase your resilience to damage again. You know, to aid in not getting knocked out and scarred. In fact, they can make it to where your toughness can affect how easily you scar. The tougher you are, the less likely you are to scar.

- More legendary weapons. In my opinion, Fable II didn't have enough, and out of the ones they did have, I only found the Enforcer and the Daichi to be of any use. I want the legendary weapons to be your saving grace again. Oh, and make them harder to find.

- Give us back the Obsidian class. You know it's the right thing to do.

- Make the higher classes more stylized. I was disappointed in how the Master weapons in Fable II were lacking in the aesthetics department, especially the longsword. I would love for the Master class to look stylish again.

- Delve further into Theresa's character. If you're anything like me, you're wondering what she's up to.

- An opening sequence that doesn't involve your family getting killed. As shocking as that is, it's a little, you know, old. Maybe the main character is kidnapped?

- After performing an odd job for a while, it can become your profession. For example, if you become a master blacksmith, you can buy a building and turn it into a business. Eventually, people will start working for you and you can gain money. If you're a bounty hunter, you can start up your own firm. People can bring you bounties, and you can choose whether to pawn it off to one of your subordinates or do it yourself. Obviously, doing it yourself nets you more money, but letting someone else do it is easier.

- Aside from skanky prostitutes in Bloodstone, a bordello or a brothel can be built. Here, you can pay for sex with no chance of getting an STD or an unwanted pregnancy.

- Expand the economy aspect of Fable II. Instead of cities just becoming richer, they can also expand and become larger. This can open up new quests, regions, houses to plunder, etc.

And that's all I can think of at the moment.

EDIT: Scratch that. I read through the thread and have a few more requests that I hope to God Lionhead ends up seeing. Yes, it will never happen. Fact acknowledged.

- More enemies variety. I am absolutely sick of fighting nothing but bandits and hobbes for ninty-eight percent of the game and zombies and balverines the remaining two percent.

- A more memorable soundtrack. Fable's soundtrack (especially the theme) was absolutely, drop-dead amazing. Fable II's wasn't as good, but the music box at the beginning was a great little touch and really set the mood for the rest of the game. Blow me away, Lionhead!

- More open world, fewer loading screens. It doesn't necessarily have to be seamless like Morrowind, but the world doesn't have to be broken up into bite-sized chunks.

- Weapon classes besides rusty, iron, steel, and master. I already requested the obsidian class to return, but there can be more, like a titanium class to fill the void between steel and master or a bronze class to fill the void between rusty and iron.

- As fun as it is to joke around in Albion, I'd like Fable III to be more serious, and perhaps a bit darker as well. Also, why can't the people be affected by the villain's actions? Perhaps as the game progresses, the people become more and more worried.

- Interactive sex. Nothing has to be shown (I'd like to stay in the M range, not the AO), but at the very least you can make it more than just a black screen. It could even be comedic; imagine having sex in the Gypsy Camp and having some gypsy see you through the open door. You can add a few funny lines.


Lord of Albion
Jun 20, 2009
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Re: Fable III improvements

My ideas for a new fable.

Use the old story in place of the new one from Fable II (i personally think fableII is ****)

Be able to buy pets like a cat or somthing.

... This time a huge landscape to explore

more classes like becoming a thief or assasin or somthing like that each class has his own abilitys and stuff

Jack of blades returns from the dead

The guild has been inproved and is now bigger and also has a port when you can go with a ship to other lands.

Bowerstone even bigger than before.

Alot of castles/dungeons to buy

Able to ride on a horse or somthing else.

Stop the damn loading times between regions

(This time a good end boss and not a easy one)

more expresions to use

Oakvale has been rebuild som where else (in greatwood to be exactly)

Be able to buy ships and inprove ships with cannons and so on and make it bigger. also get crew like bandits help you to defend the ship.

Pirates on the seas that attack your ship if you defead them you gain gold and your crew inproves.

Even more realistic than before (example a man who is letting his dog out on a field in bowerstone)


Re: Fable III improvements

- Fire the person who runs their testing team.
- Hire someone who has a clue to be repsonsible for testing & release.

If they did these two things even if the game was 99% identical to Fable II it would be a god tier game.
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