Anna Megill who was the narrative lead on Playground Games new title in the Fable franchise has decided it's time for new projects and is stepping away from her role in August 2023. Having previously held the role of lead writer she was moved to narrative lead last year, she had the following to say about the move.
Anna Megill said:"In August, I’m stepping away from my role as narrative lead on Fable. I’ve had several wonderful years scribbling away in my fairytale cottage, but the time feels right for new challenges. Working on Fable was a dream come true for me, and it’s wrenching to leave it behind. But Playground has assembled a heroically talented team, so I know it’s in good hands. I'm excited for what’s coming next — for them and for me.
Some folks are being silly, so let me be clear: I reached a good stopping point to jump off the project, so I did. And I decided to take a small break before jumping into my next gig. That's it. I have nothing but fondness and respect for Playground & my colleagues there.