gotta be megaman hasnt it. love a bit of: cuts man, guts man, ice man, bomb man, fire man, elec man and co.
Well, if Fable counts, then I'd have to say that. But aside from Fable, my favorites would have to be Freelancer and anything from Pokemon. Props to anyone who remembers Freelancer.
Freelancer was the shiz.
Do you have a current generation substitute for Freelancer?
I wish. I looked around for a while, but found nothing decent. The closest thing was Eve, and I never bothered to get into that because of the monthly payments. I always wished Fable's multiplayer would be like Freelancer's, but I know a lot of people wouldn't like that. A full on MMO type of multiplayer would be bad for Fable though.
What server(s) did you play on? I was on Vanguard 1, but I moved around to some others (Void, FLU, Discovery) after it started dying.
Man, it's been so long. I can't remember the characters names (except Jun'ko Zane, she was hot) let alone what servers I played on. I think it was just any one that didn't have a password.
Ah, so you just moved around a lot? I stayed on Vanguard 1 for a long time. I settled in there, got to know everyone in the community, joined a clan, etc. I think the best part about the game was what the Vanguard community made the multiplayer experience into.
Have you played X3 though?
No, never heard of it. Do people still play? And how similar is it to Freelancer?
Think of it as Freelancer done Oblivion style. You can own space stations and freighters, which you can use to operate enourmous trade empires. You can own fighter wings and even fly huge capital ships and decimate entire sectors. There are four or five small main quests (which I think is the way to go), and the universe has a rich history which provide's and awesome context for the player to operate in.
And the best part is that Egosoft have released a patch which removes the copy protection.
Given that you consider pre 2005 retro, The Suffering for xbox original all the way. First game I played was sonic the hedgehog on Sega GAMEGEAR, remember that thing?