Re: F'in pwned (Rantlicious, ignore or advice)
Hey, yo, Doom. Stop.
Read the forum rules before you post again. And as a stand of morality, don't post anything that doesn't contribute to the topic. Seriously. It's annoying. You've gotten 217 posts just because of your sheer spam - hell, you even made a whole thread just for you to get your postcount up in. Seriously, you thought that wasn't against the rules?
Just grow up a little and we'll all love you. <3
Anyhow, about your parents Firis,
Just rebel. Seriously. It isn't their house, cause you live there too. And if you do chores or do anything to contribute to the upkeep of the house at all, it's YOUR house too, you're free to be YOU inside it. Don't give a damn what they say you have to be. If they keep doing that **** to you, then as a last resort, run away to a friend's house. That's what I did with my aunt.