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For the ladies...Because we played this too

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Re: For the ladies...Because we played this too

Medik;394961 said:
Don't want to get to perverted, but looks like one on the right was spanked ;) judging by her torn clothes.

Well, actually she first had the form of a child, with some sort of cloak-shirt on her. Then she got her memories back, due to some drama thing, and transformed back to her normal size. Thus, clothes got torn apart.

However, this artist removed slightly more than she already had. (But the clothes being torn is not because of spanking.) But yeah, I can see why you'd think that.

Yay! Thread Derail!
Re: For the ladies...Because we played this too

Aslinn;394933 said:
That's something that I can't work out...why do they sometimes draw like...blush on women's boobs (and bums)? If I'm embarassed, my breasts do not blush...lol

she may not feel shame, but her boobs do!:P
Re: For the ladies...Because we played this too

Skorm's Boss;395002 said:
she may not feel shame, but her boobs do!:P

Ahh, is that it. XD Well, that explains everyth- Wait a minute... Her boobs can think? Wow... That's AWESOME.
I mean, that's scary... =S
Quick side note: Glad to see that Fable 3 is a bit better and gives you Elliot, who is mildly attractive. Too bad you still end up towering over everyone which obviously includes your husband, it looks so comical.
Question, since you all seem to be the experts on the subject, (not meant in a negative tone I assure you) if you marry an Xbox live character, will their character remain in your world as an npc wife/husband? Or will the house be perpetually empty other than perhaps a child?
For the ladies...Because we played this too

Okay, so, for those of you attracted to males, you may or may not have noticed this too but all the men in Fable II were ugly as hell. They were so dirty, and no woman anyone ever would want to touch them; let alone have 'relations' with them.

I'm a lesbian but I think I still have some quality input. The Auroran men were the most attractive. IRL I'm not attracted to men (except for my boyfriend Vin Diesel) but I've had 10 kids with Auroran guys! It's either the shape of their face or the fact that they wear dress type things lol.
I married purely to upgrade my weapons. I had kids with them to upgrade other weapons. Then I killed my spouses to upgrade still more weapons. In between they said some stuff, I guess, but I didn't really listen-- or even look them overly long.
I'm a lesbian but I think I still have some quality input. The Auroran men were the most attractive. IRL I'm not attracted to men (except for my boyfriend Vin Diesel) but I've had 10 kids with Auroran guys! It's either the shape of their face or the fact that they wear dress type things lol.
Note to self:
"Lesbians dig cross-dressing dudes.... buy a skirt perhaps?" :D
Re: For the ladies...Because we played this too

well, looking at the current screenshots of fable 3 characters, i would say it is fixed now, but still with the ugly option possible, like the smoking man. but compared to the evil pirate or the guy shown during the guild vid. character will be alot better
characters are white as freaking ghosts... and theres no scar vanishing potions.
It's so funny how people reply to speculations posted months before the release of Fable III.
Helping others is nice and all, but the game came out over a month ago. I think she found out what the blokes look like.
I would actually rather lionhead cut out the getting married to random NPC's altogether. I think we should have been able to start up relationships with the main characters. Guys should have been able to get Paige, Ben for the Girls and Reaver for both. They're all pretty attractive in my book plus they're skilled and not worthless. However could you imagine being married to Reaver? it would ruin him for me, that's why I also wouldn't want the option to marry to come up, just a chance to snog and have it tie into the story somehow. The relationship idea with Elliot/Elise was pretty cool (even though I didn't like him) but the marriage afterwards just felt devoid of life. :( I could just be fishing for an excuse to get my hands on Reaver though haha.

Anyway, yeah I agree that the guys are not very attractive, it sucks that there's no option to put a bag over their heads.
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Re: For the ladies...Because we played this too

Well, actually she first had the form of a child, with some sort of cloak-shirt on her. Then she got her memories back, due to some drama thing, and transformed back to her normal size. Thus, clothes got torn apart.

However, this artist removed slightly more than she already had. (But the clothes being torn is not because of spanking.) But yeah, I can see why you'd think that.

Yay! Thread Derail!

Puberty hit her like a brick!
Question, since you all seem to be the experts on the subject, (not meant in a negative tone I assure you) if you marry an Xbox live character, will their character remain in your world as an npc wife/husband? Or will the house be perpetually empty other than perhaps a child?

The guy you marry leaves the house is empty but your child stays in your world if you had it in your world and they have their own nanny to take care of them. but theres no npc hubby
For the ladies...Because we played this too

Okay, so, for those of you attracted to males, you may or may not have noticed this too but all the men in Fable II were ugly as hell. They were so dirty, and no woman anyone ever would want to touch them; let alone have 'relations' with them.

When I played this game, the only attractive people were the women. All of them (except the older women who were made fat) were pretty with huge tits. Fine, I get it. Male fanstay blah blah blah...but what about female and gay gamers. We want something nice to look at two. I don't want hook up or marry a man with a few strangly hairs and 3 rotting teeth. I want a man that looks like the male hero on the front of the box and s***! I had to ultimately resort to lesbianism because there was no way I was going to let my character sleep with, or marry, any of those...things. The idea of sleeping with them in the game literally made me sick. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit thinking about it.

FFS! Have some decent males in the next game! Why go to the trouble of obviously having the choice of being a female hero (and for gay men the ability to find gay men in the game...) and then go, "Yeah...but you can only have sex with the dirtiest, ugliest people we can possibly create. Have fun!" GRRRRR!!! MOAR RAGE!!!

P.S. The ending of the game made me cry (because of how crap it was).

What about the dudes in the crazy pink wigs with the sweet 'staches? That's hot.
I'm just generally underwhelmed by the fact that everyone pretty much looks the same in their particular region. I'm not really thrilled with the female NPCs. Every now and then from certain angles, some of the characters look pretty striking, but most of the time they suffer from what I call "fish face".
I have secondary files where I play the heroine too, but the thing that bothers me the most is how they have to make her a giant behemoth in comparison to her male love interests. It's a little off-putting to have the female character roughly the same height as everyone else one moment and then her towering head and shoulders over them the next while performing an expression. Let's not go too deep into the lack of...well, expression, in the expression portion of this game.
For my queen, I paired her with Mercenaries for the most part because some of them are kind of rugged looking and they have tats and swords and don't cower in fear every time there's a hobbe attack. Not really thrilled with the rest of the choices either being mousy shopkeepers or playdough-faced blobs of cloth. Some of the noblemen look literally like jokes. I mean come on. This lady is a badass queen and deserves to be matched up with a strong warrior king, not Captain Crunch. You can't even have her marry a soldier. I've always thought this was stupid even back to Fable 2. Yeah, my female character is a 6'8" titan and can't marry the 7' town guardsman? Why the hell not? It truly does enter silly territory.
So, in a general sense, I can feel ya on the whole deal.
The guy you marry leaves the house is empty but your child stays in your world if you had it in your world and they have their own nanny to take care of them. but theres no npc hubby
well Wifey would be the appropriate term in my case, but thank you for the answer. That kinda sucks though. So far the only attractive females I've seen are Elise and Female Heroes, but Elise is dead and Female Heroes don't stick around, so I'd appear to be SOL
Didn't read the past 9~ish pages of this topic, but I agree with the op. All the male NPC's in the game that you're able to marry were ugly as hell [except Elliot, though unfortunately you can't get Elliot with a male hero]. They didn't even try. Males certainly have the potential to be highly attractive, though I think the reason why western game companies tend not to venture too far down this route is because attractive males tend to alienate the average straight male gamer [which make up the majority of course]. But hey, at least the male hero is pretty hot.


Here's a few screenshots of mine. He looks rather badass too if I may say so. The only good-looking male NPC which you're able to marry in any Fable game that I've seen so far is one of the male NPC's from Fable 1:


[For those that haven't played Fable I, the NPC I'm referring to here is the shorter one with a shirt on and a golden ring above his head] He's at least quite above average compared to the all the ugly moustache-faced, balding, and fat-necked/chinned males that you encounter in the Fable games. Still, it's apparent to me that the staff only tried to make the heroes for Fable I and III attractive, and basically didn't even try with the other young males except Reaver and Elliot. At the very least, the female hero looks great in Fable III, though they seriously lacked good female hairstyles in my opinion.

I'm an artist for the record, in case you're wondering why I'm extremely picky about looks and things like this. A huge pet peeve of mine is bad character/model design. Don't even get me started on the disgustingly hideous male circus clown rejects whores.
Your male hero totally just decided this for me.

My next play through will be a shirtless, tattooed hunk 8D I CANT WAIT.

I haven't gotten to the option of marrying Elliot yet, still trying to accumulate some gold so my city isn't a ghost town after the invasion, but I agree. Elliot is the ONLY decent looking guy.
Another thing that annoys me are the males with hats permanently attached to their heads =[
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