Hey thar. I've been using projectego.net for quite a while now and I decided to join the forums seeming as it's quite a friendly community. I've only ever played TLC cause I don't own an Xbox (I'm workin on it!) so my discussions are going to be limited to the least popular section of the site. <Insert Sad Fish>
And I'm Canadian. Hey! I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader! And I don't live in an igloo-*cough* Nevermind.
Hey thar. I've been using projectego.net for quite a while now and I decided to join the forums seeming as it's quite a friendly community. I've only ever played TLC cause I don't own an Xbox (I'm workin on it!) so my discussions are going to be limited to the least popular section of the site. <Insert Sad Fish>
And I'm Canadian. Hey! I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader! And I don't live in an igloo-*cough* Nevermind.