I woke up with a hard on and needed a ****, like most sundays.
Wake girlfriend
Lose hard-on.
Take a leak(advisable not during the act or even in the bedroom, but I don't judge)
1.wake up because i have to go no.1 (1min.) 2. go down stairs to have breakfast (15min) 3. take a warm shower (15min.) 4.get ready for school(5min.)5. make sure i got every thing(3min.) 6.play Fable 3 or check my facebook (1 hour etc.) 7.go to school at 7:30 8.arrive at 7:50 9.Smile because im late.Yes, I know, it's a pretty random question, but this place is full of those, innit? So, how do you wake up in the morning for school or for work? Do you just have an incredibly annoying generic alarm? Do you wake up to the radio or to some of your favorite music? Do you put the device with your alarm in it on the other side of the room so you're forced to get up to turn it off? Or do you just have someone come in and wake you up?
Its like nature mocking you, so difficult when your faced with them both and to top it off your usually half asleep and its dark as i try not to turn any lights on in a morning so i dont wake my girlfriend (like waking a bear with a sore head).
I woke up with a hard on and needed a ****, like most sundays.