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How do you wake up in the morning?


Pokémon Master
Aug 1, 2009
California, United States
Yes, I know, it's a pretty random question, but this place is full of those, innit? So, how do you wake up in the morning for school or for work? Do you just have an incredibly annoying generic alarm? Do you wake up to the radio or to some of your favorite music? Do you put the device with your alarm in it on the other side of the room so you're forced to get up to turn it off? Or do you just have someone come in and wake you up?
I wake up just about every morning with a boner. I have no alarm clock, so my time varies, some of the times my cats feel it necessary to run over me like a race track in the morning.
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I traditionally wake up to two alarms, my alarm clock and my phone, if I have things to do that day, that or my lovely mother will come in with a coffee and SHAKE ME FURIOUSLY UNTIL I AWAKEN.
If I have nothing to do I just wake-up when I wake-up which is usually early to mid morning, I seem to struggle to sleep for more than 6 hours at the moment.
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An alarm clock that makes your ears bleed and phone in the two farthest reaches of my room. The phone is set to go off two minutes in a row until it goes off at the same time as the alarm.
I have my water boiler and french press cleaned out and ready next to the alarm clock so I can start the water while I hop in the shower. I get out, I make the coffee, and only then am I truly awake.

At night I sometimes feel like I'm an evil mastermind plotting against my tired and lazy morning self.
^Jesus...why would you do that to yourself? Those generic alarm noises are the worst. They make me think of the emergency alert system on TV and on the radio, so I really don't like the feeling they give me when I hear them, even in the middle of the day when I'm awake. I've always done whatever I could to avoid that sound, and I've recently found my favorite way of waking up. I plug my ipod into my speakers, turn the volume down somewhat low, and I have it set to play The Rain Song when it's time for me to wake up. It's an amazing and beautiful song to begin with, and it's just so soft and soothing, so I can wake up gradually instead of being jerked out of bed by some abrupt noise. And, thanks to its length, I can just lay there for a few minutes and enjoy the comfort of my bed and the sound of the music. I don't think I'll ever use any other method to wake up ever again.
^Jesus...why would you do that to yourself? Those generic alarm noises are the worst. They make me think of the emergency alert system on TV and on the radio, so I really don't like the feeling they give me when I hear them, even in the middle of the day when I'm awake.
Because I'm about as willing as a rock to get out of bed unless I've overslept by 4-6 hours. To my horror, I've even slept through my alarm in extreme cases. If I don't get an adrenaline rush immediately upon waking, I'll start thinking 'man, that bed sure was comfortable' and then next thing you know it's 3 in the afternoon and I get an adrenaline rush from having missed literally everything that I needed to do that day.

I've tried waking up to soothing stuff like you mentioned, but it just turns into something I could go to sleep listening to. I think that my ideal alarm clock would probably be an annoying bratty kid with a squirt gun.
Because I'm about as willing as a rock to get out of bed unless I've overslept by 4-6 hours. To my horror, I've even slept through my alarm in extreme cases. If I don't get an adrenaline rush immediately upon waking, I'll start thinking 'man, that bed sure was comfortable' and then next thing you know it's 3 in the afternoon and I get an adrenaline rush from having missed literally everything that I needed to do that day.

Pretty much this, although not as extreme. I use a buzzing alarm set to 6:45, so I'm sure to be awake. Otherwise, I wake at about 8:00, and it depends on how I feel if I decide to get out of bed. If I do, I can enjoy the day. If I forget, I go F**KIN RIGHT BACK TO SLEEP and get out at 10:00 or 11:00. Not too late, fortunately; I can still do a lot of things.

Anyway, point is: I have have to wake up early, I use the loud buzzing noise. The one time I accidentally set it to Radio, I slept right through it. Also, when tou get used to it, it really isn't that annoying and spirit-killing.
Usually my mum wakes me up when she leaves for work, or earlier than that if I have to get up earlier. I used to just get straight in the shower, sit on Facebook for 20 minutes and leave, but recently I developed a taste for coffee and excercise, so now I have a cup of coffee, do some situps/pushups/running whatever and then get in the shower.
Really wanted to say something uber-dumb like "I open my eyes, duh"...

At the moment it's Joshua who wakes me up - usually between 5 and 6am - but normally it's my phone alarm which gets louder and more insistent the more you ignore it. Left to my own devices, without anything to wake me, I'd stay asleep until mid-afternoon. Yay for tiredness disorders!

Other than that, my routine consists entirely of making breakfast for the kids, yelling at Jessica for invariably dawdling (who knew that 'stretching' could take 45 minutes?) and then getting online to start work. It's kind of depressing to clear your inbox the night before only to find that since Americaland woke up while you were asleep, 455 more articles have been dumped in your virtual lap...
I have an inner clock that always wakes me up at the right time. I have overslept around 3 times in my whole life (the one on Monday doesn't count, I just forgot the class started 1,5 hours earlier). I'm still late to everything because I won't get up.
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I usually wake up on time of my own accord. I set the alarm on my phone just in case, though.
Well. I just..um wake up. Usually at the same time every day .
It used to be at 4:30 am, if you can believe it (crazy I know). But now it's at exactly 6:15. I think my body has a natural alarm clock or something (maybe its a superpower??? O.o).

However today I overslept two mintues because I stayed up late. I was awakened by my own dream ending with my mother yelling :/ (in the dream) "where is she, she needs to do her chores!!!!" So I woke up and did my chores lol.

Of course my mother was actually still sleeping.