how many times have you played through fable?
i just completed my 7th play through of fable and i still love it
my first time was me and my friend rented it and both made a profile
then my other friend bought it then we played through it once more
then i got my own xbox and got fable, payed through it 3 more times mage, archer & warrior pures (this was also my first TLC play through)
then i got my 360 and made a good all stats max character, and now i just finished my evil all stats max character today
i just completed my 7th play through of fable and i still love it
my first time was me and my friend rented it and both made a profile
then my other friend bought it then we played through it once more
then i got my own xbox and got fable, payed through it 3 more times mage, archer & warrior pures (this was also my first TLC play through)
then i got my 360 and made a good all stats max character, and now i just finished my evil all stats max character today