If you want to get #1 on Google listen to Matt Cutts.
Don't waste your $$$ on the wrong kind of backlinks - They won't work.
Since the Google "Panda" update a lot has changed.
Google has moved the playing field and simple text links are almost
counter productive, Pyramid linkbuilding is no longer worth the effort
but Contextual Links will get you an almost immediate SERPS
Tens of thousands of both can be done in 24hrs using Scrapebox, and
because of that Google is now giving simple text links less weight in
If you watch the latest video by Matt Cutts, Google's own guru, you
will learn that contextual backlinks now have the most value.
Contextual backlinks are links placed inside an article or blog post
that are in the context of their surrounding text, so they look
For example an article on firefighting might have links to a
firestation URL. These are quite time consuming to create and
invariably need an image to get maximum Google juice.
For anyone planning to create backlinks I recommend you to take 3
minutes to watch the Matt Cutts video on
If you recognise the change he speaks about. then afterwards use their
FREE software to create some contextual articles embedded with your
own URL.