I'm Back!
Hey everyone and anyone, if anyone or everyone remembers me...
Remember me?
Haven't been very active on this forum lately...this is my first time back on in, like, 3 weeks to a month I think...my Fable II disk broke for a while until I sprayed Windex on it.
Well, yeah. I'm going to be filming clips for my video soon- as soon as my capture card comes- and I'll hopefully have it up in a month or so.
(watch as no one cares about this thread)
Hey everyone and anyone, if anyone or everyone remembers me...
Remember me?
Haven't been very active on this forum lately...this is my first time back on in, like, 3 weeks to a month I think...my Fable II disk broke for a while until I sprayed Windex on it.
Well, yeah. I'm going to be filming clips for my video soon- as soon as my capture card comes- and I'll hopefully have it up in a month or so.
(watch as no one cares about this thread)