Increasing Longevity on Fable 2(new ways to play)
*note* this is for players who aren't veterans of Fable 2 more like casual players or if the veterans want to try it there more than welcome to
Well since Fable 3 is approaching and will for a fact use some save data from Fable 2 most players are going back to it. But I know what your thing "Metroid! How do I make the game a little more refreshing?" well anonymous user! Here's How! Challenges! Here's a good one to try! Try to not level up through out the whole game! That's a very tricky one especially since you'll have no money :\ but that's the fun
you could also try A full Will User or A Big Brutish strength user or lithe Skill user game walkthru. Now since some people has already played as there own gender in the game (or the opposite one) try playing the opposite gender for a change! (I.E. if you are a guy and played as a Male Character try playing as a Female character it's pretty fun and the Dialogue is funny in some missions) and vice versa.
Another good way to play is not to change your clothes so just stay in your pauper clothes thru out the ENTIRE GAME! just like you see the demo vid at the beginning of the game and some trailers where he's in Wraithmarsh and still has basic equipment (I'm currently doing this and whilst not leveling up ;P) so yeah there's some good ways to play this game! sorry for the freakish post
*note* this is for players who aren't veterans of Fable 2 more like casual players or if the veterans want to try it there more than welcome to
Well since Fable 3 is approaching and will for a fact use some save data from Fable 2 most players are going back to it. But I know what your thing "Metroid! How do I make the game a little more refreshing?" well anonymous user! Here's How! Challenges! Here's a good one to try! Try to not level up through out the whole game! That's a very tricky one especially since you'll have no money :\ but that's the fun

you could also try A full Will User or A Big Brutish strength user or lithe Skill user game walkthru. Now since some people has already played as there own gender in the game (or the opposite one) try playing the opposite gender for a change! (I.E. if you are a guy and played as a Male Character try playing as a Female character it's pretty fun and the Dialogue is funny in some missions) and vice versa.
Another good way to play is not to change your clothes so just stay in your pauper clothes thru out the ENTIRE GAME! just like you see the demo vid at the beginning of the game and some trailers where he's in Wraithmarsh and still has basic equipment (I'm currently doing this and whilst not leveling up ;P) so yeah there's some good ways to play this game! sorry for the freakish post