Reading that helps me to have continued faith in this industry, it really is a shame that actual expansion packs are so rare these days. Nowadays when it comes to additional game content the strategy is either shallow drip-feeding or the touch and go approach. Why go through the trouble of all that hard work when you can earn enough money from milking those poor suckers. Minimal effort and maximum profits, that's what we've got.
The Witcher 3's attention to detail is incredible, I know I'm hyped for FO4 right now... but even I don't think it'll come close to The Witcher in storytelling and character development. I just don't see it happening. Can't even fathom what CDPR have in store for Cyberpunk, but if the strategy involves opening as many doors as they can and saying yes a lot to the players then they're getting all my money.
I can understand why though. To do all that hard work with your writing, slaving over pages and pages of excellent literature only to get a fraction of the appeal you were gleefully daydreaming about. That damage to the ego & pride that your work couldn't get popular on its own and required the aid of another medium. On the other hand, it's such a standard occurrence that it's just normal.This part...
“The Witcher 3 really opened up the floodgates. In a way, Sapkowski’s benefits are from the success of The Witcher 3 and the other games. He benefits from the mass appeal of the games, because a lot of people have opened up to his books. We’re very happy it worked both ways; the hardcore fans made the game possible, and now the game has brought fans to the books.”
This is a truth Andrzej Sapkowski will never accept. It's sad though, he should give more credit to CDPR and the way they brought more visibility to his books outside of Poland.