I wanna say my laptops not working properly but I'll be away from the forums for sometime whether its working or not, nobody ever seems to be on the chat anymore so I guess its dead. :/
Anywho I'll be away for awhile, you can catch me on xbox if anybody wants to play; GT 'Teh Hermit' I'll add anyone who's name I recognise or just send me a message telling me your forum username, you might catch me on the forums a few times but I'll mostly be lurking so I'll be pretty inactive for a few months.
Anywho I'll be away for awhile, you can catch me on xbox if anybody wants to play; GT 'Teh Hermit' I'll add anyone who's name I recognise or just send me a message telling me your forum username, you might catch me on the forums a few times but I'll mostly be lurking so I'll be pretty inactive for a few months.