That's because there are no subliminals. At all. Those who think there are (and some of them are respected authors and speakers who otherwise have sensible things to say) are, to my mind, looking for something that isn't there. Like anything, if your kid starts leaping about screaming "avada kedavra" or whatever the hell it is and stabbing their hamsters in the eye with a toy wand then yeah, perhaps a little time off from all things Potter-ish might be in order. But it's a kid's story and I don't think it's sinister, or meant to be viewed that way. I'm sure there are pages and pages across the net of other Christians who won't be moving in next door to me when we get to heaven but I'm fairly certain I won't give a crap.
It's my two cents, I'm sure I'm probably theologically incorrect, but I'm also pretty sure it's not high on God's to-do list: to kill JK Rowling and burn all her books.
It's my two cents, I'm sure I'm probably theologically incorrect, but I'm also pretty sure it's not high on God's to-do list: to kill JK Rowling and burn all her books.