Massacre at Bowerstone
Hey guys, this is Sean again! I'm here with another contest for you guys.
This one needs you to play Fable 2 with me. What happens during this contest? You will join a game with me, you may use whatever weapons you would like, whatever tactics you would like. What happens is we get together in the same game, and we turn off safety, on my mark we shoot/stab as much people as possible including the guards. But! If you don't kill the guards quick enough and they arrest you and the fine screen comes up showing your fines it ends there. Whoever signs up for this contest, I will play with individually, and at the end of the contest, whoever got the most kills at the end of the contest (it shows the amount of kills you get when the guards arrest you) will win 500 rep and 10,000,000 Fable 2 Gold.
All you gotta do is sign up here! Then send me a PM on when you wanna meet up to shoot some civvies. The end of this contest is June 13th so go ahead and sign up. Rep, Gold and a good shootout, what's not good about that?
Hey guys, this is Sean again! I'm here with another contest for you guys.
This one needs you to play Fable 2 with me. What happens during this contest? You will join a game with me, you may use whatever weapons you would like, whatever tactics you would like. What happens is we get together in the same game, and we turn off safety, on my mark we shoot/stab as much people as possible including the guards. But! If you don't kill the guards quick enough and they arrest you and the fine screen comes up showing your fines it ends there. Whoever signs up for this contest, I will play with individually, and at the end of the contest, whoever got the most kills at the end of the contest (it shows the amount of kills you get when the guards arrest you) will win 500 rep and 10,000,000 Fable 2 Gold.
All you gotta do is sign up here! Then send me a PM on when you wanna meet up to shoot some civvies. The end of this contest is June 13th so go ahead and sign up. Rep, Gold and a good shootout, what's not good about that?