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Maybe I'm just a wet blanket...


Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
With the barrage of unfunny rage comics and memes flying out of 9gag and the like, I find it more and more difficult to actually laugh at something on the internet. You bums make me laugh(most of you), don't get me wrong but aside from the odd video or image the internet is slowly turning into an unfunny place. In fact, the only things that make me laugh now are things I should not be laughing at.

Maybe I'm just a Negative-Nancy, maybe I'm making something out of nothing or maybe I'm just an emotionless, soulless vessel who is incapable of laughter(possible) but when I come across something like this...
le le le le le le le le...GAAAAAAH!!!!​
I'd visit some of the more unsavoury places of the web but I'm afraid I might get internet herpes.
I'm just gonna come out and say it

Since when were cats funny?

Mostly everything on the internet is getting more dull and repetative and none of the rage comics are different anymore. If I ever want to laugh I either go on this website or go onto YouTube

I don't think anyone knows why they were funny at first, I guess they were something to relate to?
You don't get it because you don't hate JB, you don't like The Beatles, Queen or Rolling Stones; your childhood memories don't only consist of DB and Pokemon and your favorite food isn't Nutella Oreos...

So, what you're basically saying is that I'm not cool.

Ok. :'(
So, what you're basically saying is that I'm not cool.

Ok. :'(

Dont let anyone tell you different, you're cool in my eyes! :wub:

Alright, ill cut the ****

I think its because the internet just mass produces everything, so if theirs a little funny thing that you see or hear, then on the net it'll expand by 9,000!!!!! And then it'll be lame..

I just like to watch people hurt themselves, fail videos are funny ,but I despise people who use the term "Win" and "fail" in normal talk.. like.. "That was such a fail".. it doesnt make f*cking sense, moron!
9Gag is called cancer by THE PLACE THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED for a reason. It's cancerous. They get their hands on a legitimately funny meme, overuse it, suck all the funny out of it, then sh*t it all over their website. I laugh at stupid comedy all the time, but 9Gag humor is just... not even humor. It's like a wet piece of cardboard.
www.hyperboleandahalf.com Es mas funny.

Tvtropes.org is a good way to waste time.

So are a bunch of webcomics, but I'd assume you're already reading them all.


And the xkcd and SMBC, but I really do assume you already read them.

And, well, cracked.
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I was afraid that maybe I was just getting old, but browsing around enough and I'm bound to still find something funny on the internet. And with that I agree with Amon, that some people have a terrible knack for ruining the hell out of a good thing.
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Queen, you have a long way to go before you could be even remotely considered a decent human being.

Let's be honest here - that's never gonna happen.

I was afraid that maybe I was just getting old

Sorry, to burst your bubble there, gramps. But you are gettin' old. You old fart.

9Gag is called cancer by THE PLACE THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED for a reason. It's cancerous. They get their hands on a legitimately funny meme, overuse it, suck all the funny out of it, then sh*t it all over their website. I laugh at stupid comedy all the time, but 9Gag humor is just... not even humor. It's like a wet piece of cardboard.

Not forgetting the fact that most of the 9gag users have an average IQ of 50.

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The internet is a place where anyone can freely and anonymously voice their thoughts and opinions. That's the problem.
When people constantly seek out funny things they will not find them. Some people overuse things and you end up seeing variations of the same thing over and over. I do find some things I come across as funny but doesnt happen often and most things are unintentionally funny.
There are some small gems from 9gag, but yes, most of them are following the theme of Pokemon loving guys who love listening to Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Queen and Led Zeppelin, hating Justin Bieber and being friendzoned by practically every girl they know.

Thing is, for me, I see a meme and find it pretty hilarious, then after a few days of lolling at every variation of that meme I see, I suddenly realise that it's really not funny at all and instantly becomes boring and irrelevant.
When people constantly seek out funny things they will not find them. Some people overuse things and you end up seeing variations of the same thing over and over. I do find some things I come across as funny but doesnt happen often and most things are unintentionally funny.

I love it when I find things unintentionally funny. Most times it can be the most random thing. Like when seagulls do their little tap dance on the ground to get bugs. I think it's the most hilarious thing in the entire world.
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