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Me in Fable III.

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Aug 16, 2010
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Me in Fable III.

I've decided to create a thread where we can discuss things about our future characters. This will include topics from other threads but all rolled up into one convenient package. I want everyone to tell me all about their Fable III character based on what we've heard so far. What weapons will you use? Will you be good? Or evil? What names do you plan on giving your weapons? How will you morph your weapons? What kind of clothing will your king/queen wear? Will it be regal? Or something you would see on a mere peasant?

What about your kingdom? If you're able to name it, what would you name it? How will you rule it? What about the criminals and the less-than-savory characters in it? Will you be a kind and merciful king/queen? Or will you ignore any evidence and behead them all? How about your love life? Do you plan on starting a family and/or getting married? Or will you just bang anything that walks near you?

How about Reaver? How will you treat him? Would you kill him if you had the chance? And why would you if you do intend to if given the chance? How will you develop your kingdom? Will you further the industrialization? Or perhaps take a different route? Are you planning on sharing your wealth? Or do you plan on hoarding it to support your lavish lifestyle?

What name do you plan on giving your character (if it's possible)? How will you utilize the touch feature? What about the extreme emotes? Will you and a friend be teaming up often? Or is flying solo more your thing? Are you going to be very involved in the affairs of your kingdom (e.g. crime, poverty, etc.)? Or will you prefer to keep to yourself and only deal with the absolutely necessary issues?

There are many questions about you, your character, your kingdom and everything in Fable III that I'd like to hear about. Answer what you want and skip won't you don't. In fact, add in questions others could answer too if you so desire. Of course, all these questions are based off speculations and rumors so don't worry if your character doesn't turn out the way he/she actually is in Fable III when it's released.


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Aug 30, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

i only see 1 poll? would you like us to just answer in the thread?


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

I'm going to use Gauntlets and swords.
I will be generally good depending on the decisions. I mean with that starting decision it feels hard to make a truly good choice.
No current names or idea how i'm going to morph them. Probably will just let them morph into whatever they do as i playthrough.
I'm going to wear whatever I think looks good... What that'll be who knows.

I don't have any clue what i'd name the kingdom.
I will rule it justly and will punish "villains" quite harshly, however, depending on my mood that could drastically change.
I'll start a family but whether or not I truly involve myself with it thoroughly will depend on how important the family feature is in this game.

DEATH TO REAVER! Any business made through him will be fully investigated and destroyed if found unsavory.
Why would i do this? For treating my hero of a father like that in the first game he deserves just punishment. In other words he needs to be shot in the head and have his youth sucked out of him... not necessarily in that order though.
I will further industrialization while trying at the same time to keep the people happy. It may be hard to do but without a little pain nothing can be accomplished.
Sharing the wealth is something I will do but as king i believe i deserve a good place to live in so i can rule properly so we'll see how that goes.

I usually just stick with the generic title they give us at the beginning of the game. So he will be named that more than likely.
Um... i'll touch people as much as i need to in order to accomplish my goals.
Meh.. not so interested in the extreme emotes.
I'll be flying solo only because my friends aren't that into fable as much as i am.
I will be super involved in my kingdom!


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Sep 1, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

I always have a file im evil in but generally i am a good guy


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Re: Me in Fable III.

I'm a neutral bugger, because as a musician I live on the road(not really) and don't really follow a cause.


Your Health is Low
Aug 27, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Well, this is my general idea for my character so far... I'm going to be good. Like I always am. At least for my first play through. As much as I like Magic, I'm not going to use it because it apparently ages you prematurely. And as dumb as it is to care for your looks in a video game, I do :) So I'm going to skip on the magic. Also, I rarely used range weapons. So the weapon I use will be some sort of sword. Which I hope will not turn the girl into some huge muscular monster this time playing through :/ Because if it starts to look like that's what is happening, I'm switching to guns asap. I haven't thought about naming my weapons though.. Hmmmm... I'm going to have to put some thought into that.. As for what I'll wear, anything that looks really good I suppose. I would say expensive stuff, but those clothes tend to look a bit ridiculous.

As for naming my kingdom.... No clue. But I know I'll try to rule it as fairly as possible. Punishing the horrible criminals, while showing some mercy to ones that don't do too much wrong. And yes, I'll have a family. I played through the entire Fable 2 with only one husband (until the very end where there was nothing left to do, even though it was then I learned that husbands were suppose to give you gifts if they were happy -.- All of Fable 2's storyline, with no gift from the hubby. Just the constant desire for sex). So I'm sure I'll play Fable 3 the same way, as I hate the thought of cheating, even in a game. I'll probably find someone good to marry, and then once my boyfriend gets the game, I'll most likely divorce that person if it's nothing that special and marry him.

Reaver is in the game, and I'm marrying him. :) You know, if that's allowed... One can hope, right? I wouldn't kill him if I could, but if there's a chance, I would love to duel him. And for the future of Albion, I definitely want to stick to industrializing it. Unless the other option has some sort of benefits I find more appealing. And I definitely believe in sharing the wealth, but not if it means my subjects would live better than me. I'm a queen, I should live like one.

If I can name my character, I usually name most female characters I create Ireny, or if not, then Faith. So one of those names. And mostly, I'll be flying solo. I like experiencing games like Fable on my own, and making sure everything in my game is my doing. Of course, if my boyfriend gets the game soon after it comes out, I wouldn't mind teaming up with him every so often. And I will be incredibly involved in my Kingdom. Once I take control, I'm sure I'm going to be like, "My Kingdom is my baby!" and be super watchful over it. :) I'm excited.

What about you Grim?


WTB Deus Ex 3
Nov 5, 2008
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Re: Me in Fable III.

@VicOnTop: Basically there's a poll for good/evil/neutral. Vote and reply perhaps? ;)

Anyway, I do have a clear vision of what I want my character to be like. It'll most certainly be a male, who follows a very virtuous path, but also keeps in mind that he must think of himself as well. It's basically a good/corrupt sense of thinking, but in a more precise way.

The weapons. Well, I usually try and give them names that represent strength. Though, not necessarily. I guess I'll just stick to names that I've used before (in forum role-plays for instance): Margarita, Tethis, Bobby, and the likes. As for morphing the weapons, I'm not quite sure. I guess my aspect changes as time passes by. But as to give a basic view of it: probably shaped like a cutlass with some nice features to it such as certain 'shards'.

Clothing is a different thing. I highly enjoy posh looks, as opposed to bandit-like. My king will probably wear something similar to the blue suit that has been featured in the Fable 3 video about the Guild area.

Now there's an interesting question. Naming your kingdom. It should be, in my opinion, a name that will satisfy everybody, yet one which represents the very current state of said kingdom; whether it's ruler is corrupt, or the very contrary or such. If I were to give it a name, it'd be something along the lines of Mahktish. As for ruling, well, I love ruling with an iron hand, yet I don't want to see my kingdom fall apart thanks to that. I think I'll stay on the safe road and do go out on occasions or incognito, as well as helping some villagers a hand. However, when it comes to dealing with people who break the law, they'll see my iron fist. So yes, rather in-between the path of merciful and severe.

I love the feeling of being in the game myself. Thus, my main character will most likely be the very mirror of what I am: someone who doesn't want to have children, doesn't mind either sex, and certainly will enjoy life in whatever way possible.

Reaver is a wonderful lad, his personality truly gets the best of me and I enjoy his presence to the maximum, regardless of what his history is like. In-fact, I have a strong feeling that Reaver will, eventually, 'collapse' of the nightmares that he has had (and mentioned in his journal when you buy his mansion), and admits his faults. I'll try and treat him as good as I can, granted that such a change has been given. My kingdoms' people will share the wealth among each other, but I do remain the top. I would want to satisfy everybody, without the need to sacrifice myself for that. Industrialization will be most certainly of the essence, so yes, that'll be continued without a single doubt.

If I was to give my character a name, it'd be an old English, or perhaps a Gaelic one such as my current: Graeme (pronounced: 'Gremm'/'Grim'/'Graham'). And I have a strong feeling the touch system will be used a lot. Perhaps a bit too much. I won't be teaming up that much, though. I prefer silence and doing my own things.


Pokémon Master
Aug 1, 2009
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Re: Me in Fable III.

I'm not going to plan what to do on my first playthrough because there is just so much we don't know yet. I'll most likely be evil though, and I'll definitely use all three Hero disciplines. It'll probably end up being my evil 100% completion game, and then I'll make my good 100% completion game. After that though, each game will be different and I'll go through each and every possibility in alignment, combat, clothing, running the kingdom, etc.

In response to the question about Reaver, hmm...let's see...ah, here it is. This quote from an older post should suffice as my answer.

Necromancer11;413283 said:
Oh jesus f*cking christ, where do I begin with this asshole? There's just not even one redeeming quality about him. Let's start with the obvious. He destroyed Oakvale. How can we forgive him for that? The town we all know and love. The one that was our very first home in Albion. Gone. Because of this guy. Then, he takes in all the wealth there is in Bloodstone while the rest of the town is poorer than Mexico. Like he can't spare some gold for these people and turn Bloodstone into a normal city. Then, on top of all of that, he's more arrogant than anybody I've seen in any video game, movie, TV show, or even in real life. He expects everyone to worship him and kiss the ground he walks on as if it's plated in gold. If there's anything that I hate in this world besides stupidity, it's arrogance. He is the most vile and despicable creature to ever walk the land of Albion. He deserved the slowest and most gruesome, painful, and agonizing death possible. Then he deserves to burn for all of eternity in whatever kind of hell there is in the world of Fable. In Fable 3, once I become king, I look forward to taking down Reaver Industries, and then taking down Reaver himself. I'll destroy the Shadow Court by any means necessary. Then I'll slay him in combat and watch him squirm as I inch my blade deeper and deeper into his neck while he finally realizes that all of his arrogance was completely misplaced and inappropriate, that he was merely a small rodent or insect and a plight on the miserable world he had helped to create, and that I, the humble Hero, was superior to him all along. Yes, the look on his face as that happens will allow me to die a very happy man.


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Sep 1, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

One good point in getting Reaver's sword is that if we do get to kill him, I am going to love slicing him up into fishbait with his own sword.


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Aug 16, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Necromancer11;424798 said:
I'm not going to plan what to do on my first playthrough because there is just so much we don't know yet. I'll most likely be evil though, and I'll definitely use all three Hero disciplines. It'll probably end up being my evil 100% completion game, and then I'll make my good 100% completion game. After that though, each game will be different and I'll go through each and every possibility in alignment, combat, clothing, running the kingdom, etc.

In response to the question about Reaver, hmm...let's see...ah, here it is. This quote from an older post should suffice as my answer.

You're right, all of it is subject to change and there's a lot we don't know but this is just here for fun, mostly. It also helps me to see where some people stand.

So just relax and have fun, it's not like we're trying to trade definitive information here.

Ryu_the_fox;424792 said:
I'm a neutral bugger, because as a musician I live on the road(not really) and don't really follow a cause.

Matt_352;424791 said:
I always have a file im evil in but generally i am a good guy

I don't mean to be rude but I was really hoping you two would put a bit more thought into this. I don't expect an essay but something a tad longer than a sentence would be nice.

Besides, it's not like you have to answer all those questions or post in a specific format. I just wanted to know how you're going to live your life as king and what your character will be like.

VicOnTop;424780 said:
i only see 1 poll? would you like us to just answer in the thread?

What? The poll is just there to be there. Did you miss the long-winded post I made?


Active Member
Aug 30, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

i was just wondering, because many of those questions could have been a poll


Oct 5, 2008
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Id be good:pI can never bring myself to be evil even if its a game lol.Id be very involved in every town and always give money to the poor.I will mostly use strenth and skill because will is great and everything but I don't wanna age.I would name my character Justin and name my kingdom Highever(stole it from Dragon age).


Cant dance.
Nov 30, 2008
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Re: Me in Fable III.

ITT: walls of text


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Hmm lets see, I will most likely be playing a pure good character for my first play-through, I always do. It will be Male(as all of my chars usually are) I'll probably dress myself in a mixture of Noble and commoners clothes. Most likely i will use all three combat styles, but i'll use will at the minimum since it ages your char. :(
my main weapon will be a sword, i'd like a Katana or cutlass looking weapon.
Probably will never even touch the hammer.

I would rule my kingdom fairly, punishing criminals when deserved, and i would definitely share the wealth. When looking for someone to marry i would definitely not want some Snooty noble woman, nope, i'd take a common girl over those :D

If i see reaver, he's dead. ;D


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

VicOnTop;424803 said:
i was just wondering, because many of those questions could have been a poll

What could would it have been to make a bunch of polls? It defeats the purpose of this thread.

Aions;424813 said:
ITT: walls of text

ITP: A douche who apparently has trouble reading at an elementary grade level.

Terra_Zeta;424816 said:
Hmm lets see, I will most likely be playing a pure good character for my first play-through, I always do. It will be Male(as all of my chars usually are) I'll probably dress myself in a mixture of Noble and commoners clothes. Most likely i will use all three combat styles, but i'll use will at the minimum since it ages your char. :(
my main weapon will be a sword, i'd like a Katana or cutlass looking weapon.
Probably will never even touch the hammer.

I would rule my kingdom fairly, punishing criminals when deserved, and i would definitely share the wealth. When looking for someone to marry i would definitely not want some Snooty noble woman, nope, i'd take a common girl over those :D

If i see reaver, he's dead. ;D

It has never been confirmed that using magic prematurely ages you, it's a rumor and nothing more. When I see a video with PM and the rest of the Lionhead team explicitly stating that using the gauntlets prematurely ages you, then I will accept it as such.

Roxas957;424811 said:
Id be good:pI can never bring myself to be evil even if its a game lol.Id be very involved in every town and always give money to the poor.I will mostly use strenth and skill because will is great and everything but I don't wanna age.I would name my character Justin and name my kingdom Highever(stole it from Dragon age).

See the post above about magic and aging.

Also, I could never be good. I might be able to do some good here and there but being good all the time would literally drive me insane. Some people deserve to have a fireball to the face or a head full of lead, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Well i sure hope its a rumor, I don't want to play as some old fart. :(


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

Terra_Zeta;424821 said:
Well i sure hope its a rumor, I don't want to play as some old fart. :(

Nor do I. However, I have been contemplating moving from the whole "evil caster" bit to more of a "neutral gunslinger". To be honest, I think of myself more of the latter than the former and I feel that I'm merely pressuring myself to be the former for the sake of having more freedom... and to freely give into my rather grim whims and sadistic nature.

Skorm's Boss

Nasty Bugger
May 9, 2008
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Re: Me in Fable III.

evil, every time evil (ok I might play it through once as a goodie) but evil!

as for swords, spells, guns, I won't know til I play


Active Member
Sep 1, 2010
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Re: Me in Fable III.

ok GrimWhim heres a little more detail.

Ill spend most gold on kingdom but I will spend a reasonable amount on making my castle lookin awesome. for minor offences ill be tough but fair, and to people who do stuff i really do not like theyll be executed straight away. if auroara (however you spell it) are the antagonists and do the threatening first as i presume they will then i will go to war with them and crush em like ants.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2008
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Re: Me in Fable III.

I want to try all the weapons out. Guns and Swords I'll probably use the most. I'm looking forward to weaving spells, however the aging part makes me not want to touch the gauntlets at all. For my first game I will be good. However, I'll be evil in my second game. I wanna see all aspects of the game. I dunno what sort of names I will be giving my weapons, not entirely sure what i'm planning on doing with them at the moment. I think I'll just end up doing whatever floats my boat and just see how the weapons turn out. Not entirely sure what my Queen will wear. Probably whatever looks nice.

Not sure what I'll name my kingdom. I'll be a kind and merciful queen since i'll be good and such. I'm planning on getting married to as many people as I possibly can. I had about 16 wives on one of my Fable 2 games and had about 20+ kids. So I'm planning on continue that in Fable 3.

I absolutely LOVE Reaver. He was my favorite character in Fable 2. I definitely will not kill him! However, I fear if I were to go along with whatever he says will have me end up going down the evil path which I do not want. I would honestly like to further the substerilization, however, if the costs are too high I will try and keep things the way they are. Well, since I'm playing a good character, I do plan on sharing my wealth and pretty much do whatever good I can.

If I am able to give my character a name, it'll probably just be my own. I will utilize the touch feature and any extreme emotes that I can. My friend and I are already planning on co-oping and getting married and such. Though, when we first get the game, we'll probably just do our own thing. I will keep involved with my kingdom.

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