Re: my wishlist and ideas
what if,you could choose (somehow,i'm still thinkin this through) to put some points (these are given depending on what you do,I.E if you're nice to animals or not) to choose different talent trees?like you could choose to give more armor or power or sneakiness to your doggy,or different dogs have different attributes,and the tree i was talking about let's you have 2 or even 3 doggys.
imagine 2 pitbulls and a giant rotweiler.
or liek a speciality in guns or crossbows,so this way you can specify wich weapon you like,not have a flimsy sword have 80 billion attk power and a giant axe have only 40.really give some choice to the game,ya?
and choose the location of birth,different area = different resistences to certain magic types and the accents your char has!like birth in...uh..oakvale!gives you a Country accent!or birth in bowerstone SLUMS gives you a brooklyn accent...and birth in bowerstone north gives you a mroe refined voice.birth in Knothole gives you a tougher,deeper voice...
like barry white.
maybe,depending on the randomizer at birth about your voice pitch (high/deep able to hit notes/not able to hit notes) you can sing for extra cash.girls,if you get a higher pitch a spell called "banshee wail" becomes available,making then unable to hear spells or dogs coming at them,giving them a MUCH lower chance to guard.boys depending on birth place and your build (for example,more muscle i nthe top area) gives you overpower,letting yo uactivate an ability that makes it so when they guard (this goes for 3 times) your weapon clashes and yo ucan repeatedly press b to force their wep down,isntant kill no matter what health.for thsoe with a leg build,dash!you DASH around their back,letting you repeatedly press b to kick them o nthe ground and snap their neck!WOOT.
if the thing you're fighting is at low health and near a body of water,you can trip them and force them to drown!!
or maybe some middle ground here,not Quoting yahtty:"mother theresa or baby eating"