Need advice on buying a computer.
So yeah this summer I'm gunna be racking up the cash and I want to finally buy a computer capable of playing videogames as gewd as Oblivion so I can mod and stuff. So what are gewd requirments of gigs and ram and all that stuff, also I saw a website that let you assemble your own comp with LED lights and stuff but I cant remember. Is buying one online safe? I wewd preferably like a comp in the 700$ range is this even reasonable for the requirments I want? Thanks if you help.
EDIT: Not bieng serious but why cant people put towers in fridges to keep them kewl? If that werked you kewd overclock hella.
So yeah this summer I'm gunna be racking up the cash and I want to finally buy a computer capable of playing videogames as gewd as Oblivion so I can mod and stuff. So what are gewd requirments of gigs and ram and all that stuff, also I saw a website that let you assemble your own comp with LED lights and stuff but I cant remember. Is buying one online safe? I wewd preferably like a comp in the 700$ range is this even reasonable for the requirments I want? Thanks if you help.
EDIT: Not bieng serious but why cant people put towers in fridges to keep them kewl? If that werked you kewd overclock hella.