Re: Next thing on Australias ban list...
Ok, so now that the resident Australian is here, allow me to comment.
Our classification board are right wankers. They are a bunch of right winged Christian soldiers on a crusade against anything more adult than puberty. It's all lead by this one South Australian senator who has a stranglehold on some other legislation, so they let him rape our free speech because they have a few tax laws they want to tweak. This is by no means a representation of any significant minority, let alone a majority.
We don't have an R18+ classification because they think that anyone who watches a movie/plays a game that has that rating will go out and start killing people, or something. So anything that would be rated R18+ is either banned or cut down to be MA15+
Our government is one of the most **** weak, incapable, covertly racist, conservative, attempted nanny states in the world. Our constitution is also a piece of ****. We don't have a Bill of Rights. We aren't even guaranteed the right to freedom of speech!
I swear that once I have the means I'm emigrating.